Saturday, May 2, 2009

Full Speed Ahead

I am just about wiped out from this week with getting prepared to leave in less than 48 hours for Zambia. Talk about crazy, busy, hectic few days. This will be my 3rd straight night up at this hour...I usually go to bed around 11 so this 1am kills me in the morning. Today was my last official day in the office for the entire summer!! I can't believe I got everything done and wrapped up. I was hurrying through the day to accomplish EVERYTHING. I had a few bumps in the road but made it through. Paige, Holly and I all agree that once we step on to the plane then we can soak it in and breath. :)

Well, my room at my aunts house is just about cleaned up and my car is packed full of not only my bags for Zambia, but basically my life. What's funny about it is that I feel like as I transition from one season to the next, it's basically me and my life packed up in my car and on it's way to the next phase of my life. Anyways, I am about to loose my mind with trying to get everything picked up, packed, and put in its place. I have just wanted to sit and be with family and I am planning on doing that tomorrow. I'm heading home and spending Saturday and Sunday with my family. Then about 3pm on Sunday I'll be at the airport. That is sure going to come quick.

I just can't believe the whirlwind I just came through to get to this point. I am sooo excited!! Please be praying for the Lord to speak through me and give me wisdom and discernment in every little decision. There is a big responsibility ahead of me and I'm leaning on the Lord for strength and guidance.

For the Glory of HIS Name,
ps-I am going to try to put some pictures up soon.


Mindy Rives said...

Have a fabulous summer, Joy!! I am so excited for you and will be praying for you and the entire FLMI staff all summer long. Have safe and fun travels with Holly and Paige! And...get some rest!! Enjoy your time with your family today!

Mike and Suzi :) said...

Have a great trip! You are such a blessing to all those kids!