Monday, November 22, 2010

the game i love

with club volleyball season around the corner. i can't wait to see all what is to come. it's amazing to me the community of people that surround a court, watching a white ball being volleyed back and forth between two different teams. it's a game of strategy. of desire. of passion. of discipline. of sacrifice. of respect. of determination. it's a game i love to watch and coach. and one of my best friends says it just right...

"i want them to want to compete each time they step between the lines. not for me. not even for their teammates. for themselves. to prove they can do it. to instill confidence in themselves as athletes and young women. that's why i coach. volleyball is just a blip on the radar of life. but the character you develop on the roller coaster ride this sport takes you on, is, here's to another great season. and by great, i mean frustrating, yet so rewarding. here's to making a difference in the character development of 15 year old girls through the shared love of a little white ball...Game on."

let the training. practice. and competition begin...

1 comment:

bekah brinkley said...

yeeeaaaah i got quoted!! :o)