Friday, February 10, 2012

the african mosquito happened. i got malaria. uganda becomes more and more a part of me wherever i go. :) apparently the parasites can lay dormant until your immune system is suppressed and vulnerable. so who knows when i really got bitten even though i slept under a net and took anti-malaria pills. 

it came on pretty quick after my dad passed away and i was unaware of what was causing the shaking chills, intense headaches, high fever, and sweating. i did a bit of personal research and then eventually got some blood work. i was officially diagnosed with P. Vivax Malaria. crazy enough there are 5 strains. fortunately i didn't get the fatal one. after some blood work and a doctors visit i got some medication. praise the Lord! i needed some relief and i am so thankful for meds. since being on them i haven't had any more symptoms or "episodes" as i would call them. i have about 10 days left on the medication and then one more follow up blood work and doctor's visit. i feel like i am on the mend! hallelujah!! sometimes you don't realize what healthy feels like until you are really sick. :) 

a positive in the midst of malaria is that i now have a glimpse into what so many people endure in uganda. i may not have had the most extreme case, but i did endure some intense symptoms. i am thankful though that i can now relate on yet another level with the people in africa...

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