Friday, April 6, 2012

point me in the right direction....

seriously, i feel like i have so much going on. my to-do list is piling up and i have only a few weeks until i'm back on a plane! ahhh..can this be real!? i have days i just want to scream. i have days i want to sit and act like i don't have anything to do, but read. oh but what a crazy idea and thought that is! :) then it hits me...the very fact that i have 18 days! i still have people to see, places to go, and phone calls to make, but honestly i'm not sure how realistic that all is.

i finally got my support letters sent out and as people open and read about the last 4 months of my life, i just pray God would use each of them (or you) to come alongside me. AND for you all who may not open a letter from me, it doesn't mean you weren't chosen to get a letter, but maybe it's because i don't have your address. :) actually, since you are reading this, you have found some way to follow what i am doing. you, too, have been walking alongside me and knowing about my life. i want to say thank you! i pray in some small way the Lord encourages you through these words. at times it's hard to convey in my human mind what i want to say, but in reality, it's what the Lord ultimately wants to say...

so with that, i want to extend and invite you to you to continue with me on this journey...i am leaving april 24 for uganda for 5 months (as of now). i am going as a full-time intern serving with ROWAN. i am trusting God will provide all the funds needed and so i am stepping in faith as i prepare to leave in just a few weeks.  FIRST, pray with me. pray for the next 5 months as i'm in uganda. pray for all the projects, relationships, friendships, conversations, and people i will interact with. pray for strength, courage, and for joy to be experienced and felt. pray for God to piece everything together according to what HE wants. pray that i would be able to see HIM work in big ways. SECONDLY, i pray you will consider investing tangibly. i am going as an intern and i am responsible for raising my own support as i serve with ROWAN. from the flight, to living expenses, to food, to communication costs, etc...i humbly ask you to consider supporting me. whether it's $5 or $500, every dollar means so much and will provide for me in more ways than one. you can go to my donate page by clicking HERE or looking at the right side of this blog and finding the section "Support Me".  as support comes in i will update the status, but i want to thank you in advance for any way you come alongside me!

let's do this! 18 days and counting!

because of HIS Grace and Mercy,


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