i'll be honest with you (or whoever is reading this). i've been afraid to dream sometimes. not because i don't want to or that i don't have dreams at all. i am afraid that i will be called foolish. i am afraid i won't be supported. not encouraged. or not challenged to go for it. i am also afraid that my dreams won't come full circle. that i will start an idea but then won't have enough creativity to carry it through or actually make it happen.
i know that is my flesh waring against me in every way. this is satan's way of trying to pry me away little by little of dreaming dreams that God has actually planted inside of me.
and so i return to read this scripture and bold statement...
"I know what you need before you ask Me,
so dream big, pray big and believe big."
the more i speak out the dreams i believe God has planted inside of me. the more real they become. and the more excited and alive i become.
one dream in particular is truly becoming reality...the dream of returning to Africa and serving the people there. it is coming to fruition this year. yes...this year! :) to make a long explanation short...i will be moving there the end of september to be a private tutor to a ugandan child. i will be living with the american family who adopted him. i will also have the greatest privilege of partnering and working alongside ROWAN.
i still can't believe it. God is soo good. He has known the longing in my heart. He has heard my cry. He has heard their cry. He has answered in His perfect timing. this is His beautiful story He is writing and i just get to be a part of it.
thank you, O Lord, for allowing me to
be involved in what you are doing.
may you be exalted! may others see You
and may they be drawn to You! Amen