Monday, December 26, 2011

'tis the season to embrace

when your time is limited you truly cherish every moment. not that i haven't before but even more now.

i have been home with my family for about a week and half. it has been so wonderful to be with them. i haven't done much other than that. :) i hit the ground running with different events..a wedding, christmas parties, and a full house of family. my soul has been refreshed & i am so thankful.

as this season comes around each year, i can't help but look back over the year. many milestone markers and events that remain significant. each one is a stepping stone. each one lead by the Lord. each one, whether difficult or not, is good and for God's ultimate purpose for me and my life. so as my family and i entered this christmas season, i thought about what we did last year and how different and/or similar they are...

last year i was living with my parents
this year i am only home for a few short weeks from uganda

last year i drove home on christmas eve from austin after a surprise engagement for one of my best friends.
this year i drove home on christmas eve from a dallas hospital with my parents after spending half the day there getting dad an IV pic line

last year my family was at ease with no new signs of recurrent cancer in my dad
this year my family battles on a daily basis the effects of recurrent cancer in my dad and how it has come back with a vengeance

last year i was looking ahead to all the adventures and the journey the Lord would take me on in 2011
this year i look back and stand in awe of the journey. i am overwhelmed with HIS goodness. HIS faithfulness. HIS mercy. HIS strength. HIS steadfast love for me. HIS ways of speaking to my soul. HIS kindness in the relationships i have built. HIS sovereign leading.

this year as it is ending, i hold tightly to the time i have with my family. with my dad. God knows our days and He will not allow us to be in His presence until He is finished using us for His purpose! the Lord Jesus is our foundation and our blessed hope.

this year, i look ahead to 2012. i look to Him who steers my life. i look forward to finding more strength in Him who gives it. i look forward to all the days ahead that are already planned and ordained. i fix my eyes on Christ, for no matter what 2012 may bring, i will have hope and joy. i will rest in Him as i embrace all that He has for me. may there be celebrations of all what God does. for everything is about HIM and to exalt HIS Holy Name!

for His glory & praise,


Saturday, December 17, 2011

village visit #3

i am changed each time i spend days in the village. i never know what God is going to teach me. i never know what my conversations will be like. i just know they will be filled with rich wisdom, challenging questions, grace, hope, and love. 
all of the ROWAN students with pastor paul and i

i met up with ronnie, pastor david wafula and his family friday, dec 9 in the morning. we wanted to get out to mawanga to be a part of the children's program. we arrived around mid-day. i couldn't contain my excitment as i FINALLY met the students of ROWAN! :) my heart was spilling with more joy and love for them. pastor paul kindly took me around and introduced me to everyone. the kids were split up into 3 groups: secondary students, primary, and then the little ones. i found myself holding back tears as i looked into each one of these students eyes. these are the kids of ROWAN. they each have a story to tell. 

every group of students i met, pastor paul asked me to share with them. of course you are suddenly on the spot. as i open my mouth i just asked God to give me what to say. i held it together until i stood in front of the secondary students. i was so excited for them and their commitment in school. they each have dreams for themselves and are pursuing it with great passion. as i was speaking to them, i couldn't hold it in anymore. tears began to fall. i was overwhelmed with how good God has been. His Faithfulness in my life, in my families lives, but also knowing how He's been faithful to these students lives as well. i couldn't speak. i was vulnerable standing in front of them. i haven't cried in front of people in quite some time. and within that moment, i felt the arm of my dear friend. pastor paul put his arm around me and spoke on my behalf.  he was speaking to the students in lusoga (the local language). as i found strength, all i could say was, "no matter your circumstances, no matter what you have gone through, no matter the story you have to tell, you can look back and see how faithful our God has been and that He is good." 
all of the secondary students!

i got to the spend the remaining of the day with them by singing songs, laughing, and getting to know them more. there's HOPE in each of their eyes and i feel so privilege to know them. there are exciting days ahead... the rest of the weekend included organizing and packing up all the 400+ necklaces the widows made, spending time with each secondary students, as well as, attending church sunday morning and worshipping together with the mawangan people! 

what a blessing it is to spend days in the village. what a blessing it has been for me to be embraced by pastor paul and his family. that is what i feel each time i go. part of a family ('AMAKA'). they have taken me in. loved me. cared for me. encouraged me. challenged me. and shown me more of Jesus. my heart is full and 'my cup overflows' with gratefulness and love for them. 

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Signature Collection of Beads

coming to the USA soon!!! 

during my last trip to the village, i spent some time with some of the ladies who are diligently working on creating beautiful necklaces...
the ribbon

a few ladies signing paper to be cut out to be rolled into beads..

after varnishing, they hang to dry..

they are hard working women!

a beautiful picture of HOPE for these widows..
each bead was touch and hand made...amazing!!

with momma edisa and ashley

i'm headed back to Mawanga village this weekend to pick up the finished necklaces!! i can't wait to see them, as well as everyone else!! such joy fills my heart!! 

Sunday, December 4, 2011

learning from the Mawanga people

(this post is reflecting on my last village trip, november 25-27. sorry for the delay) 
though the trip was short, what i learned and took away from mawanga was more than i expected. there is a special place in my heart for the village. i have always desired to “live and be among the people”. to feel what they feel. to see what they see. and to do life with them. i am far from understanding what the people of mawanga face on a daily basis, but even spending a few days at a time i continue to learn. and i continue to be refined by the Lord. He never fails in His faithfulness in making me more like Him. i fall more in love with Jesus as i see Him in every person. in every face. in every smile. in every moment. i look ahead to all the days i will spend in the village. as i learn from the mawanga people what life is all about. and how caring for those around you is one of the greatest callings/commands and responsibilities we have.

pastor paul was back from the states and i finally was able to spend time with him. he had spent 6 weeks traveling around and sharing about what God is doing in Mawanga -- a beautiful village tucked away in the heart of uganda. spending time with pastor paul was exactly what i needed. it was so interesting to hear his perspective on america and our culture. he made some remarkable statements regarding how we live, what we value, and even the faith he sees in americans. one of the things he said was “what i observed in the states, was the most valuable thing to americans is time and what they do with it. but the most valuable thing to mawanga people is relationships and building community.” talk about a gut check and even just some self-examination. he’s so right though. i’m guilty of the same. i have made excuses. i have chosen other things. i have passed up numerous opportunities to invest in relationships. it’s time to change. it’s time to evaluate what will matter in the end. my time? or building relationships? it's time to slow down and be with people. may i continue to glean from the mawanga people and how they value their time with each other. doing life. everyday. for they are defining “amaka”, a lusoga term meaning family.
pastor paul and i

so thankful to the Lord for all He is doing and all He is teaching me!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

with a heart full of thanks

as another year has come and gone, i can't help but stop and reflect on all the things i am thankful for...being away from my family has been difficult to accept as the holiday approaches but the Lord has been so good. He has graciously shown me to embrace what is around me here in uganda. embrace the newness, the changes, the differences and look to make sweet memories where i am. life is always changing for me and what i love are the annual family traditions back in the states, but this year it's different...and so as i think about those back home, my heart is full of thanks for so many things...

- my entire family that i have been blessed to do life with for 26 years & all the support they have given me especially over this past year
- my dad and the additional days the Lord has given him since his first diagnoses in 2008. 
- the opportunity to live with my parents for a few months last year and then with my sisters (JJ) family for 9 months
- my best friends who have never wavered in believing in me, challenging me, loving me, and encouraging me through each season. for the ways they have pushed me to run after Jesus!
- for my supporters/prayer warriors who have shared their prayers, wisdom, tangible support, and uplifting words. God is using you to fulfill His promises in me!
- for all the letters, emails, skype conversations, facebook messages, or gmail chats since living in uganda. i cherish each one
- for the new friends God is introduced me to over this year!
- for the lessons of learning to love people, no matter what
- for all the relationships that were built over this year
- for God's provision in putting every piece of the puzzle of my life together
- for God's constant faithfulness and steadfast love
- for the roger's family and welcoming me into their lives in uganda
- for ROWAN and all the work God is doing through them in Mawanga
- for all the ways God continues to draw me to Him through everything. wouldn't want to be anywhere else because i would miss out on knowing Him more!

as i celebrate thanksgiving with a different family this year, my heart is with my mine back in the states. i am so incredibly thankful to be where i am; though separated, it challenges me to be even more fervent in prayer over them and all those i am not with. praying you each have a wonderful holiday. may you take time to embrace what's around you and enjoy your family and friends! 

happy thanksgiving!

"Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise; 
give thanks to Him and praise His name. 
For the Lord is good and His love endures forever;
His faithfulness continues through all generations."
Psalm 100:4-5

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Encouraging Words

"May God Himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. 
The One who calls you is faithful and He will do it." 
1 Thes 5:23,24

"Teach me your way, O Lord, and I will walk in your truth; give me an undivided heart that I may fear your name. I will priase you, O Lord my God, with all my heart; I will glorify your name forever." 
Ps 86:11-12

"The Lord reigns, He is robed in majesty...He is armed with strength. The world is firmly established, it cannot be moved. Your throne was established long ago, you are from all eternity
...holiness adorns your house for endless days, O Lord." 
Ps 93:1,2,5

"The mountains melt like wax before the Lord, before the Lord of all the earth...You are exalted far above all gods. Rejoice in the Lord, you who are righteous and praise His holy Name." 
Ps 98:5,9,12

"Exalt the Lord our God and worship at His footstol, He is holy." 
Ps 99:5

" His power may He fulfill every good purpose of yours and every act prompted by your that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you and you in Him." 
2 Thes 1:11-12

"Now may the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God and into the patience of Christ." 
2 Thes 3:5

"Blessed are You, Lord God os Israel, Our Father, forever and ever. Yours, O Lord, is the greatness, the power and the glory, the victory and the majesty; for all that is in heaven and in earth is Yours. Yours is the kingdom, O Lord, and You are exalted as head over your hand it is to make great and to give strength to all." 
1 Chron. 29:10-12

"...from the beginning God chose you to be saved through the sanctifying work of the spirit and through belief in the truth...stand firm and hold to the teachings...May our Lord Jesus Christ Himself and God our Father, who loved us and by His grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word." 
2 Thes 2:13-17

Saturday, November 19, 2011

a few recent thoughts

He draws us back every time. He gently reveals to us more of who He is. He lovingly guides us with each step. He holds us in His hands. He makes us more like Him through everything we endure. He continues to show me that my life on this earth is not about me for one minute. It has nothing to do with my life. but it's ALL about Him. everything is pointing back to Him. EVERYTHING. from the way the sun rises over the hills in kampala. from the birds chriping, to the sound of rain hitting the ground, to my attitude towards each person. to my words that leave my mouth. it is all for the praise of His name! 

i have grown up in a culture with a "want it now" mentality that i wish i didn't automatically have. i instinctively set goals to accomplish and want to see results soon. and now, here i am in a completely opposite culture of what i am used to. a culture of "slow and steady". i'm seeing something i didn't before though. i'm seeing that my wants are self-centered and selfish. i'm wanting to accomplish certain goals and see results. however, i have to ask myself the question, "what am i ultimately striving for? self fulfillment or God's?" i recognize that no matter how monotunous something may be, God asks desires for me to be faithful! to be faithful in the small things. to be faithful in today. don't get overwhelmed with the larger picture. but just be faithful on a daily basis. and believe He will fulfill His purposes for me.

it's so easy to say and more difficult to live out. i have to believe that God would not bring me where i am today if He wasn't working. i have to believe that He is working all things together for His good and purposes. my prayer is that my spirit will be sensitive to when He speaks and to move in action accordingly. i have to die to myself everyday and choose to be faithful, obedient, and patient. 

i'm thankful to serve a God who is always for me and draws me back to Him through all things.

He is making me more like Him and that is what i would choose over anything else!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

mawanga pictures

2 precious orphans i had the privilege of meeting:
meet george & esther

 some of the ROWAN kids shared created designs for uniforms...

it looks like a garden, but it's going to be a large building for ROWAN! 
there will be offices and a big fellowship hall. praying for all the funds to be complete!

the AMAZING women working in the garden!
they want their passion fruit to grow!! :)

for the record..these ladies are so strong! 
i dug 3 holes & each time another precious widow would help fix it :)

a little TLC (tender love & care) for the passion fruit! 

pastor wafu asked me to plant one...

praying the Lord will grow it to produce a bounty of fruit!

and just for those who are curious, mawanga means "a coming together of nations". i absolutely love that! the history of rowan is filled with volunteers and supporters from all over the world! so many people from varies nationalities have already served with rowan in mawanga and there are so many more soon to follow...O Lord, you said, lift up your eyes, the harvest is here. the Kingdom is near. you said, ask & i'll give the nations to you...! 

come Lord, and move among us! may others see and believe that You, O God, have done this!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

mawanga village: where do i begin...

you can't really imagine it unless you see with your very eyes. it is literally in the bush. off the beaten path. there are small groups of huts set in an opening of trees. only those who live there could tell you where someone lives. no signs. just dirt paths leading from one group of homes to another. i was either in one of ROWAN's vehicles or on a boda moving around. and as i went along i heard the word "muzungu" about a thousand times. it brought such joy to my heart when my eyes would meet the eyes of the children who were yelling at me. when i acknowledge them and yelled "jambo" (a simple way they greet each other; meaning hi or hello). they squealed. they laughed. and they smiled ear to ear. i seriously could have done that the whole day. :) seeing pure and innocent joy radiate from them is priceless! 

it’s a different pace of life out in the village. slow. simple. focusing on basic needs to live. there are people herding small groups of cattle. goats roaming. chickens everywhere. kids walking around. some playing. some crying. some running around either half naked or fully naked. you find adults working in the fields gardening or harvesting their fruit or vegetation. holes in the ground for toilets. bucket showers outside with water that was warmed up over the fire. no electricity. mud huts with thatched roofs. the local language of lusoga beautifully spoken. feeling the strong sun beat down. dirt all over my feet. on my hands. on my skin. learned to drink hot tea twice a day. rich conversations. relationships being built. that is what matters at the end of the day and in the midst of everything. embracing community and fellowship with one another. 

even though i was in the village for just a few days i was once again challenged. God is so gracious in how He teaches me. He is constantly sharpening me. refining me. and pressing down on me. less of myself and more of Him.  He is still showing me that i am sinful. and i am in need of Him. He is still showing me that this life He has given me is not about me but about Him. He is opening my eyes to see all i need is Him. to let go of things that don’t matter. to strip away everything else so Jesus alone remains.

“…i consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake i have lost all things. i consider them rubbish, that i may gain Christ and be found in Himi want to know christ…the power of his resurrection…the fellowship of sharing in suffering…becoming like him in death to be raised up (paraphrased the last part).” phil 3:8-9

one of my prayers has been for God to open my eyes to see. see the children. the widows. the families. whoever it is Lord, i want to see.  interestingly enough, as i was driving up with pastor david wafu (ROWAN staff), he made a statement to me that is so profound...

"instead of people going to share about jesus to others, 
they need to go and see Jesus! 
they need to see jesus in the children and in the people
…if you just look, you will see Him!”

i look forward to sharing with you more on all that took place in mawanga during the few days i was there. much love and blessings to you! 

Saturday, October 22, 2011

prayers for dad

after spending a week away i am now back trying to catch up. my time spent in mawanga village was beautiful. God continues to press in on me what He wants me to see. i will share all i can as i get my thoughts together. but first i want to stop and ask for prayer...

as i was away this week in eastern uganda, my parents back in texas went to houston for a check up on my dad's status. i read in an email last night after get back that the spot the doctors had initially found on his liver had grown. plus there may be additional spots in the liver and even possibly in his abdomen. 

these are not the words i wanted to read. it's not what any of my family wanted to hear. but i will remain hopeful. i will always remain hopeful. because hope does not disappoint. my God remains faithful. He remains good. He remains sovereign. He remains strong. i will keep claiming the truth of who my God is! He will overcome! 

my heart hurts to not be with them. it's difficult to hear news like this when i am so far away. so again i ask for prayer on behalf of my family. for my dad. for my mom. for my siblings. for my nieces & nephews. for all who have been a part of this journey. another 10 weeks then they return to rescan and evaluate once more. thankfully, that appointment will be during the time i will be back in the states for a couple weeks during christmas. 

thank you for standing with us in this battle! 

my God, YOU are here with us
constantly here with us
YOU are our everything, 
Faithful and True
(Constant - Charlie Hall)

Thursday, October 13, 2011


I am now in my 3rd week of being here and almost finished my 2nd week of school with Graham. Last week when I started, the previous personal assistant (P.A) took me around and explained all that I needed to know. I was on my own after that…I felt like I went back to school because of attending all of Graham’s classes as well taking down additional notes. I have observed a lot of Graham’s learning style, his academic background & the expectations of the teachers. I guess you could say I am mending the gap between the two.

My day begins at 5:40am and ends usually around 10pm. We leave for school around 7:15am (it’s about a 25-30min commute) and the first bell rings at 8am. At 3pm the last bell rings and all the students head to after-school activities. We usually don’t end up leaving for home until 4:30/5pm. It varies daily depending on additional things that may come up. Shortly after we arrive home and unpacked from the car, we sit down for dinner. whew, what a day! :)

I am beginning to meet a lot of people my same age who are also in their first year at ISU. It has been so fun meeting those from all around the world. I look forward to building friendships and relationships as time goes on while developing a good community with them outside of school.

In addition to meeting people at school, I have been meeting a lot of volunteer ROWAN staff! Pastor Paul, David Wafula, Jim, and Ashley all play specific roles in the growing ministry of ROWAN. I feel so blessed to have met them and to work alongside each one as we step forward in the steps God gives us to take. Next week I will be heading to the village for a WEEK! From Oct 17-22 I will be meeting lots of children, widows, families, and staff. I will be observing the current projects and also doing a few as well. There is a huge event that will be launching soon so any time I can get up to the village will be a huge benefit in preparing for it! Tuesday night I met with Jim & Ashley and we decided that we will need to go to the village at the end of this month as well! So I will be going to the village again Oct 27-30!! Once we confirm a few things with the project I will announce it!! J I am beyond excited for ROWAN and I am blessed to be a part of it!

Everything else is going well! My body is still adjusting with food and such but it will get there..i hope! J I am gradually getting a feel for where things are and feeling more comfortable with moving around on bodas. It’s crazy what they can fit through…it’s definitely an adventure every time! From weaving in and out of cars, to riding down a busy sidewalk, to squeezing through trucks, to the busy’s a wild, yet fun ride!

I am so thankful to be here! My prayer is to continue to come with open eyes and an open heart to whatever God has! I pray I walk in confidence knowing who I am in Him and His leading wherever that may be!

Miss all of you on the other side!


Sunday, October 9, 2011


i have been looking forward to today since last week. i went to watoto church in downtown kampala. it was a bit adventuresome due to the down pour of rain. i barely made it to the taxi stage in town. i had no choice to jump in with the first person and go. :) i made it to church in good timing though. my heart was full as i worshipped with so many ugandan's. we joyfully sang together, had a day of thanksgiving with dedicating babies, as well as the teaching of scripture. i felt right at home! i'm looking forward to building relationships and community there. :)

as i was waiting for the rain to stop i saw a familiar face, phillip! he hosted our team around kampala during the 2 weeks we were here a year ago. it was so fun to see him!! hopefully i will bumped into him again. 

after church i met up with a friend of mine, jill wiebe, again i met here last year. she is from canada and was a part of showing us around to the baby homes. we met at a roof top restaurant at a mall in town and enjoyed catching up. afterwards we headed our separate ways on boda boda's. it was my first ride on a taxi motorcycle!! thankfully i had a safe driver and enjoyed ride. :)

every day i hope to become more comfortable at moving around the city. tomorrow or tuesday i am planning to meet up with a few ROWAN staff after i finish with school. 

missing everyone from home though! would love to hear from you if you get a chance! 

much love,

Sunday, October 2, 2011

enjoying these days

tomorrow is my first official day at ISU. i'm so ready to get on a normal schedule! it really has been nice to have a relaxing first few days but i'm looking forward to it picking up. i believe the Lord wants me to be a good steward of my time and energy. i am choosing to be thankful though for these days because i know down the road i will be wanting some restful days. :)

yesterday the girls (amy, emma, ellie & i) met up with another MAF family (jill, esther, & arriana who live down the street). we went down to the mall area for a few errands. it ended up being a much more fun outing then we anticipated. on top of the crazy traffic & torrential down pour of rain we enjoyed our time away from the house. our first stop was getting lunch at this pizza place, then off to a furniture & lamp store, then we got our toes done (which was a nice treat). we ended up staying until dinner time and ate at a place called ranchers. this place reminded me so much of being in texas. crazy enough, they had steak! it wasn't bad. its always fun to try places like this in uganda. you just never know what you're going to get. TIA!

driving into kampala

i loved this store! so many fun lamps! 

today we went to church at KBC (kampala baptist church). i met more people from different countries. it amazes me that so many foreigners are here in one place. there are australians, britts, scots, and more. i will be meeting more people from varies places tomorrow as i start my first day of school with graham. i am looking forward to it and what doors the Lord opens up for me. my prayer is that God will continue to go before me and lead me with every step. my eyes and heart are open to whatever is in front of me!

i also got to speak with kelsey about some upcoming ROWAN things. yay!! i am going to be meeting pastor paul and david mafula (both are on staff) on wednesday night. hopefully we will discuss when i will get to head out to the village. kels is working up a few projects i can do this side with the people in the village. pray that the timing of when i go and the coordinating of it all will work out! i REALLY want to get out there as soon as i can! my heart is for the rural. praying about going the week i have off school in a few weeks. i want to spend as long as i can there within the school schedule i'm on. :)

 that's it for now. but here are a few pics of the kiddos i get to hang out with..

daniel, amy (our neighbors little girl), and emma
(missing 3 kids from the rodger's family)

sweet elly!

here's my room for those who are wondering...

Thursday, September 29, 2011

out & about

well today i finally feel like i am on uganda time. :) i woke up got some coffee, hung out with kiddos, read my bible out on the terrace, and helped graham with a little of his homework. from just discussing a little with him, i can see how important it is to come alongside him with his school work. he is having trouble reading and being diligent in his homework. i think that is with most teenage boys anyways. :) i have already observed a lot just in the small time i have been here with the family & especially graham. he is a bright boy with a future ahead of him and i just hope i will be able to ignite a passion in him to have goals and dreams. i know it will take time, as most things do. but i looking forward to learning not only from graham and the family, but even learning some language myself. :) 

so i ventured out today. dave picked me up from the house and i went to his office to exchange some money. then i went off by myself. (don't worry mom & dad, the area where i live is fine to walk around according to dave & amy). anyways, i was told to go try "coffee at last". it's a cute little coffee shop off makindye road. it has an american feel, especially with country music playing. what! texas country music in uganda?! crazy i know. BUT the coffee is good! i've been meeting all the people that work here. i have to say...ugandan's are so kind and hospitable! so as i sit outside on the balcony watching people pass whether walking, riding bodas, in cars, or in small buses...i'm soaking it in. i love it. i love interacting with the people, watching, smelling, and embracing all that is around me. it's so different from america, but in it's own way it already feels normal to me. 

tomorrow i will more than likely go up to ISU (international school of uganda) and meet with someone about tutoring graham. it will be nice to see the school layout and familiarize myself before hitting the a full day come monday. i am not sure of the plans for this weekend just yet; however, i may be going up to mawanga village, meeting pastor paul, or any other ROWAN staff here in the city.  

i am seeing how different life is and the experience thus far with not being with a team of some sort. i know there are pros and cons about both, but one thing i have enjoyed is the opportunity and ability to truly see and take in the culture here. i get to walk around, say hi to those traveling on foot and just be as normal as you can be. i am looking forward to truly getting the ugandan experience when i ride on a boda boda (a little motorcycle).

thank you again for the letters you have written. i take out a few a day and read them. my heart is refreshed each time knowing the incredible support i have behind me. so i leave you with a picture of me sitting on the balcony enjoying some african coffee this afternoon! i'm sure this will become a regular stop for me..i've already informed one of the managers and he has happy about that! :) 

"We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making His appeal through us. We implore you on Christ's behalf: Be reconciled to God. God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God." 2 Cor. 5:20-21

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Hello from Uganda!

i made it! after almost 24 hours of traveling i am back in africa. i am still getting adjusted to the time because my body sure thinks it's in texas time. sleeping on the plane didn't happen that much so i am thankful for a solid 8-9hours today.

the plan today and tomorrow is to rest and get adjusted. friday i will go to the school and meet with a couple people to get started working with graham. monday will be my official first day! :)

i am also looking forward in meeting some ROWAN staff. i believe pastor paul is the first to meet before he flies to the states to marry kelsey & thadd oct 15. :) hopefully i will be going to the village soon to start getting to know everyone there.

so as i sit in the living room at the rodgers house with the rain coming down outside i still can't believe i am here. so many adjustments are to come but i am ready for them.  thank you again for your prayers, excitement, and encouragement!


Tuesday, September 27, 2011

a little reflection in Amsterdam

as i sit here at amsterdam airport waiting on my next flight, i can't help but be thankful for all of you who have been a part of my life. whether i have known you for many years or if i have only known you for less than that. each of you have been used to guide me to where i am. i believe God uses His people to speak. i believe He encourages, strengthens, challenges, loves, and guides us through the body of Christ.

i also can't help but reflect on the last time i was sitting here at starbucks in amsterdam. paying $7 for a tall coffee, sleeping on the couches, and getting to know each other. i was with my team from passion city church. and so as i sit here, i remember them! i am thankful for the relationships and friendships that were established through those 2 weeks loving on babies together. that trip we took had a huge impact on why i am returning. little did i know 1 year later, i would be moving to uganda. :)

for those who don't know the timeline and how quickly God moves here's what it looked like for me:

Sept 2010 - spent 2 weeks in uganda with watoto children's ministry. met my friend kelsey young (co-founder of ROWAN)

Jan 2011 - kelsey was in the states & came to texas to speak to several groups at church (from that point we began discussing a summer trip)

June 2011 - kelsey shares with me about the family she is living with needs a full-time tutor for Graham (who in fact is from Mawanga village that ROWAN is working in). met amy (the mom) and discussed the details.

Aug 1, 2011 - stepped in faith and bought a plane ticket

Sept 26 - i left for Uganda. moving in with the rodgers family, helping graham at the international school, and working alongside ROWAN

it blows me away of how quickly God moves when we are open to see it! every part has all worked in accordance to His ultimate purpose in furthering His kingdom!

off to entebbe....

Monday, September 26, 2011

my last night in the states...

its almost 3am as i am writing this. my flight leaves in 13hrs. i am about to take my 3 bags and move to uganda. it has come so quickly and it all feels surreal. but as much as i can be, i ready. i'm ready to get back to my second home and i'm looking forward to sharing it with you!

on the eve of my departure, many of my family and friends came by to "send me off" to uganda. i absolutely loved getting to see so many people. my heart was encouraged by our conversations, prayers, and worship. what a beautiful picture of the body of Christ! i am so grateful for the relationships i have been blessed with here in cleburne. God has used each one to spur me on and make me more like Him. no matter where i am, God has been gracious to bless me with wonderful friendships. i am looking ahead to who He will introduce me with and allow me to walk next to in life while living in uganda.

here are a few pictures from tonight...
britt and i

my friend jennifer drove all the way from dallas! 
i just love her! thank you for coming! 

the buren 3

 sweet prayer time!

Vickie and some of the Ford crew!

 Britton, Anna (left); JJ and the girls plus josh (right)

dad and us

thank you again for everyone's love, support and prayers! seriously, my spirit has been lifted because of you. i anxiously look forward to sharing the journey with you! my love goes out to you and the next time you hear from me i will be in route or in uganda!!! :)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

a trip down south

sept 9-12 i was down in new braunfels for one of my best friends bachelorette party. we had a blast hanging out at the lake, going to dinner in gruene, and teepeeing the house of the bachelor party (we ended up getting caught and some of us got thrown in the lake). i also got to spend time with my sister, jamie, and her family before i leave the country. much needed fun and refreshing weekend! here are a few pictures of the weekend below...
my precious friend sarah!

love all the boots

my beautiful friend sarah!

gruene, tx

  the amazing sunset at my sister's house

i head back down on thursday for the big celebration weekend of sarah marrying matthew! i can't wait to  to spend time with them as we honor them on what will just be the beginning of life together! 

Sunday, September 18, 2011

from months. to weeks. now DAYS.

i have just 7 days to have everything....either packed up in my bags or packed up to store. it has been a few weeks of stress, errands, packing, list making, and trying to prepare my heart and mind for the journey ahead.

i have days of excitement and energy. then days of overwhelming stress. i am starting to feel the tug between the two worlds. i am in the transition period. which for me is hard. i am packing up my life here but yet i'm still here for a week. i am trying to spend time with loved ones which brings the emotions and reality of me leaving, but yet i am trying to look at all the exciting adventures ahead! it is that push and pull. these moments and feelings are inevitable. they are just sometimes difficult to endure.

it is weird for me to think a week from wednesday, i will be waking up to the sounds, smells, and feel of africa. yes i will be living with an american family so the culture of the home will be similar to what i know here, but still surrounding me will be everything africa. it will be everything, i know, i hope for. as i wake up in uganda, you will be going to sleep in america. the difference in time. the difference in communicating. the difference in life. my world is about to collide.

though worlds apart. we both will still be living life. still striving for goals we have set. still dealing with struggles. still working hard. whether that is going to school at a university, being involved in a sorority or church group, leading small groups, working 8 to 5, being a tutor, a babysitter, a mom, a caretaker, a counselor. though we may have different tasks and living in different locations dealing with a variety of things, we have a common purpose. the purpose to which we were called in carrying the name of Jesus to others. may we recognize that we are a unified body, placed specifically by the Lord in unique areas to fulfill His plans in our lives. acknowledging that it is not about us, but ALL about Him!

may we continue to be unified in spirit to encourage, strengthen, and pray for one another.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

a must read...

i love reading. it has always been something i love to do. but with crazy schedules and on the go most of the time, it gets hard to sit and read. lately though, i have made it my goal to carve out time to read on a daily basis.

one thing is for certain though. reading books is so good for me. it's good for my heart. it's good for my mind. it's good for my spirit. it's good for my well being. there is something about letting myself sit, get caught up in a book, pushing the distractions aside, being challenged, and gaining more then what i began with.

one of my friends recommended a book to me this summer. it's called
"when helping hurts: how to alleviate poverty 
without hurting the poor and yourself."

i love when i open up this book to read. i learn more. i relate more. i grow more in how to come alongside others no matter the culture, the color of skin, the socioeconomic status, or the lifestyle. for it's not about any of those things that our world or society says that makes us different. we are all suffering and dealing with poverty in one way or another. we are not here to tell people what or how to live. we are hear to do life WITH others. to build relationships. to learn from each other. to serve one another. to share our lives.

that is what this book discusses. so many times we (individuals, small teams, short term mission teams, ministries, churches, etc) will go do mission trips to alleviete some form of poverty of others. we will go thinking "we have something to offer". we go with a "fix it" mentality. we go with a plethora of projects, to-do lists, materials, and so much more. i am not saying this is a bad thing, but when you really think about the culture, the people and country you are going to be a part of, you may not need any of that. when it comes down to it, the relationships you form with the people is the most important thing and should be the ulimate goal of any mission trip.

it takes more time to sit and talk with others. it takes more time to discuss the ups and downs of life. it takes more time to hear people's life story. it takes more time to truly get to know others. it takes more time to make disciples as we have been called to do. building relationships is not a quick, easy to-do project. it is an ongoing, everyday, long-term commitment. you may not see instant results, but your life as well as theirs, will be changed forever!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

dad's journey continues...

every now and then, there are dates that i wish i didn't remember. dates that i wish didn't have a significance. before the actually date, its just a date. but becomes a day that affects so many. it becomes a day full of sorrow. sadness. heaviness. tears. questions. thoughts. and so much more.

the date i am referencing to is august 8. that is the day my family got news the doctors found cancer cells in my dad's liver (it's the same cancer they had found in his esophagus and his adrenal gland). we don't know much more than that. and honestly, i am glad. that is enough to process for now. my dad will go back down in mid-october to do another scan then decide the treatment options.

interestingly enough, this came 1 week AFTER i booked my plane ticket to uganda. and my parents go back to the doctor 2 weeks AFTER i leave. i questioned it immediately...what do i do? do i go ahead and change my flight even though i don't know the outcome? do i wait? do i go?...

through the wavering, with much thought and prayer, i have to trust the Lord in this. He has taken care of my dad and my family from the very beginning of this 3 1/2 year journey. He has given us strength when we are weary. comfort when we are sorrowful. joy when we are in pain. He has lifted our heads when they lay low. He has covered us with peace when there was non before.

no one would choose the journey my family has walked through. but through it all God is continuously drawing us to Himself. He is leading us to trust Him more. He is revealing to us that there is deeper joy in the very center of it all. this journey is not about us. it's about HIM. He is using this to make much of Himself. He's wants us to see Him in it. and so i will choose that above all else!

i have to believe that EVERYTHING works together for our good and His Glory! i am still praying for ultimate healing for my dad. for his daily strength. for his joy. for his life. for his heart. for i will always have hope!

picture taken at a wedding in NM back in July.

i love you dad!

our blog for my dad's journey

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

another wedding...arkansas style!

another one of my friends got married august 12 in conway, was such a fun weekend of celebrating and getting to love on Emily. i have loved doing life with this girl even though we are a state away. i have learned so much from her boldness and discipline in prayer, her passion for life, lively spirit, and our shared love for africa! this girl deserves to be celebrated!!
getting dressed 
(emily, her mom, and sister)

erin and i
(love her!)

(notice the bride is wearing TOMS)

the wedding party

erin, emily, and i pre-wedding

Mr. and Mrs. Boedeker

the cake and bridal portrait

all 4 of us...together again!
they are such strong irons in my life
 and i am so thankful for each of them!  
(erin, emily, me, and steph...some of my greatest friends!)

garrett, me, and little garrison! :)
(they've been married 2 1/2 yrs and are expecting their first child later this fall.
he'll be making his appearance at the end of sept!)