Friday, December 31, 2010

December 31: Core Story

What central story is at the core of you, and how do you share it with the world?

the central story is God's redemptive love. he is the reason i live. i breath. and move every day. his story is to be told and that is the very purpose we live each day. he saved me. freed me. restored me. renewed me. he is the core of who i am. not my accomplishments. not my resume. not my job. not my family. not my friends. not my car. only Jesus. 

we are to carry HIS name to others. period. we must make ourselves available to HIM for HIM to use.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

December 30 – Gift

This month, gifts and gift-giving can seem inescapable. What’s the most memorable gift, tangible or emotional, you received this year? 
time with people. this month i have been blessed with an abundant amount of time with beloved friends and family. and that in itself is a precious gift to me. 

i am a quality time person so at any time i get the opportunity to either talk with people over the phone or be in person i jump on that. most of my friends live away and so talking over the phone is pretty much the only option right now. i am grateful for even that. every conversation. every moment spent with a friend. my life is richer because of them.

my family has had more time together this month as well and when we are all together it is sweet to all of our spirits. everyone was under one roof for 3 whole days and it was quite entertaining with all the kiddos, but beyond wonderful being together. my extended family on my mom's side came down for a day which is a treat to us all and certainly one day we look forward to. again, it was filled with many conversations and time that we all cherish together. 

The family at dinner without kiddos
i believe time is of the most value. and we each have a chance to use that gift.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

December 29 – Defining Moment

Describe a defining moment or series of events that has affected your life this year.

well again, there isn't one moment because i know there were many days that have affected me. two that come to mind are coaching my club volleyball kids this past spring and then my trip to uganda
i didn't realize how much i would love coaching. i love the sport of volleyball. i love the competition. the strategy. the passion. and i love teaching kids something i love. but on top of that, i love coaching kids in life. i found out this past spring that not only coaching kids in a sport can have an impact, but coaching kids in their daily life. encouraging them. talking with them. challenging them. and listening. all of it affected me in how i view the perspective on coaching kids. i got to have many in-depth conversations with some of my kids and it blessed me so much! i am so excited about this new group of kids as i pour into them and get into their world. what a privilege it is to be able to coach kids. 

my trip to uganda also had a significant impact on me this year. i haven't been to that country before and each one is different in it's own way. the people. the country. the atmosphere. the children i met. the stories i heard. the brokenness felt. the sadness endured. it all impacted me significantly. after holding babies who at one time weighed right at 1 lb. babies who look newborn but are actually 6 months old. babies who were never loved by their mothers or fathers. how could it not affect me? how could my heart not be stirred? my heart hurt in many ways. but in the midst of it all. hope was rising for these children. they are now growing, being raised up, and becoming leaders for their country. i believe anytime i get to meet, love on, and get to know people outside of the US, my life is impacted. it's changed forever. 

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

December 28 – Achieve

What’s the thing you most want to achieve next year? How do you imagine you’ll feel when you get it? Free? Happy? Complete? Blissful? Write that feeling down. Then, brainstorm 10 things you can do, or 10 new thoughts you can think, in order to experience that feeling today.

i want to feel fully alive. i want to be all cylinders go. i want to start fulfilling the dreams that i believe God has planted inside my heart. and not just talk about it anymore. but actually take real-tangible steps. it scary to think about how that will look. but i'm ready to start stepping. i know i can't achieve any dream or desire without jesus going before me. and so only through him. by him. and for him will anything in 2011 be accomplished. there will be emotions and feelings from all sides but it's time. i am ready. my confidence is in the Lord. i have to choose to believe that whatever dream God birthed in me and has put on my heart. He is in the process of bringing it to fulfillment. 

*didn't really answer this question to what i probably should've but it's my blog. :) 

until next time, 

Monday, December 27, 2010

December 27: Ordinary Joy

Our most profound joy is often experienced during ordinary moments. What was one of your most joyful ordinary moments this year?
as i was trying to think through all the moments this year, there is one moment in particular that fits. in september i journeyed over to uganda to spend 2 of the most precious weeks with babies. but prior to getting on the plane to head east, i met up with my team in atlanta, ga a few days before. i had the privilege to go to passion city church the sunday before we left. as we concluded our worship through songs, pastor louie giglio began telling the entire congregation about this team that is going over to uganda in 2 days. he began sharing about watoto ministry and all that God is doing through it. then he began sharing how God brought this team together from every phase of life. then he proceeded to ask the congregation to diligently pray over these women as they are gone. i was already moved by others praying for me. especially people i have never met. louie asked us to stand up and throughout the building we were spread out representing varies groups of people. and instead of having people verbally pray out loud, he said i want you to express your willingness and excitement for this team and your commitment to pray for them by clapping. by giving praise to the Lord for what HE is going to do through these women. and by what He will teach us a matter of seconds. the entire congregation was on their feet. clapping with all their hearts. cheering for us. it was the most overwhelming moment i have experienced. my heart was full of joy for what God was doing in the hearts of people at passion city but also for what He was going to do through us. i was completely humbled in every way by strangers giving me hugs. sharing scripture with me. encouraging me by speaking words over me.

it was a beautifully illustrated picture of the body of christ. an ordinary moment to most people but an extraordinary moment both for me and my uganda team.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

December 26: Soul Food

What did you eat this year that you will never forget? What went into your mouth & touched your soul?

considering that i can barely remember what i did a few days, months, or year ago i can't even remember what i ate yesterday. haha. the only way i can remember somewhat of meals is by the event it was surrounded by. whether it was a celebration of some sort, holiday, or just a random get together with friends. the food seems to taste even better because of it. and to be honest, i can't even remember the places i ate at. i just know that it was great all around. so to name a few favorites (in no particular order) & both of my sister's cooking. birthday meal at fresca's. july 4th lake party. lonesome dove in ft.worth. celebrating graduation milestones with friends. daily meals in uganda always reached a deep part of me. cooking dinner together with my best friend in AR. antico pizza in ATL. eating panera bread with some of my small group girls. and yogurtland/pure bliss (the yogurt bar). 

maybe one of my goals for 2011 should be to try something new every place i go. or find a new restaurant and give it a shot. it's always those hole-in-the-wall places that turn out to be the best. 

Saturday, December 25, 2010

December 25: Photo

Sift through all the photos of you from the past year. Choose one that best captures you; either who you are, or who you strive to be. Find the shot of you that is worth a thousand words

ok i chose 2 pictures. looking back over the year at all the different pictures i have taken with so many different people & places. it became difficult to pick just one, so i chose two that would describe my year and myself as best as i think

#1 - First Baptist Church DNOW
...first of all i have lived 3 different places just in this year. i have loved the adventure of picking my stuff up and moving to another place.  on the other hand, it also becomes difficult to get settle at any level, but i feel as though this is the nomadic life i am to be on. so with that, these two beautiful women are ones i have lived with- Karen (in red) and Judy (my aunt in the navy). i actually lived with my aunt for a year and half before moving to her best friend's (karen). i feel incredibly honored to have lived life with these women. their wisdom. council. love. prayers. support. encouragement. friendship. and motherly love have impacted me in a way that no one else has. i will always treasure the days of living under each one of their roofs. having older women speak into my life by mentoring me were some of the greatest months i have ever experienced. they have taught me what it means to love well. to live life open handed. to give self-sacrificially. to reach for strength from the Lord DAILY even when they are weak. to find the joy in all things. and to be transparent with your life. they have been huge irons in my life and for that i am full of thankfulness unto the Lord!

 #2 - Picture was taken in Uganda, Africa
...this picture says it all to me. to love well. to reach out to every person. every tribe. every nation. and share with them Christ. who is our hope. our life. our joy. our salvation. HE is the one who knits us together. and if we simply put out our hand, HE will grab it. there is also beauty portrayed in this picture. beauty in the body of christ. beauty in the love that Christ brings to us. beauty in the grace He gives us. and beauty in how all are connected. 

i am looking ahead to see where God will bring me next. to see who he will introduce me to. and to know him more through it all. 


Friday, December 24, 2010

December 24: Everything’s OK

What was the best moment that could serve as proof that everything is going to be alright? And how will you incorporate that discovery into the year ahead? 

to be honest and to the point. the only moment i know that continues to quiet my spirit and settle my soul is when i am still before the Lord. when i tap into the greatness of who God is. when i sneak away from all the craziness of the world. when the veil is pulled back even more to know Him. that is when i know everything in my life will be ok. that is when i can loosen my grip on all that i am holding tightly to.  my sovereign God is good. he is life to me. he is the joy to all people. and he is the great shepherd guiding me through every season of life. as i look back on this year, i realize how crucial it is to get my heart right with him each day. he is waiting for me daily for me to stop and rest in his presence. 

Thursday, December 23, 2010

December 23: New Name

If you could introduce yourself to strangers by another name for just one day, what would it be and why? 
i don't know if i could introduce myself any differently then joy. it's actually a rare name and there are only a handful of us out there. it's always fun meeting other joy's in the world. it's also a constant reminder to live out my name. a challenge i face daily. to be joyful and bring joy to other people. at times it's who i am called, but other times it's an emotion and expression to feel or experience. that is especially evident during the christmas holidays. so many songs have my name in it and i often have a song or two sung to me throughout the christmas season. it's pretty funny and always brings a smile to my face (i actually think those who are singing to me enjoy it more than i do..:) ). however, my name versus the emotion is quite different. when i stop and think about it, i feel honored to be called by the name joy. i feel honored to be catalyst of bringing joy to people (Christ as the center of my joy). i fail at that many times though. but it doesn't keep me from striving to love people and hoping they too will have joy that only comes from the Heavenly Father. i am thankful to bear this name. even though it may be heavy at times to live out. i am thankful Christ has given unto me.
Joy (Latin)
"joyful" or "joyful one"

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

December 22: Travel

How did you travel in 2010? How and/or where would you like to travel next year?
oh this is fun to look back at all the places i went to..kind of makes me giddy about it and excited for the upcoming travels. i love road trips and seeing family, friends, meeting new people and visiting new places. 

so here's what was accomplished this year....2010 you did well! 

Hurst, Dallas, San Antonio, San Angelo, Houston, 
Austin, Cleburne, Ft Worth, New Braunfels, Stephenville

Copper Mtn

New Orleans


Conway & Fayetteville

Branson & Lampe




Kampala & Gulu

(below are my stops next week!)

Johnson City

North Carolina
Stops already scheduled for 2011...
  1. Atlanta, GA
  2. Dallas, Tx
  3. Hurst, Tx
  4. Vail, CO
  5. Stephenville, Tx
  6. Baltimore, MD
  7. Kyiv, Urkaine
  8. Kampala, Uganda* (hopefully)
I'm excited to add to this list! May the adventure of road trips, seeing friends, meeting new people and learning about new places continue! 

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

December 21: Future Self

Imagine yourself five years from now. What advice would you give your current self for the year ahead? (Bonus: Write a note to yourself 10 years ago. What would you tell your younger self?)

well 5 year from now i will be 30. oh my. i can't even believe i am that close to that age. that is crazy! anyways, if i was that age looking back and giving advice i would tell myself "to go after what you love. to not hinder yourself. to dream big. to take advantage of every day. to invest your time with those who God has used to sharpen you. to step outside of my comfort zone. to try new things. and to be a person who loves well in all that i do."

Monday, December 20, 2010

Day 20: Beyond Avoidance

What should you have done this year but didn’t because you were too scared, worried, unsure, busy or otherwise deterred from doing? (Bonus: Will you do it?) 

ouch. this one kind of stings a bit. i think if i knew what i know now, the past 5 months would have looked different then now. if i would not have been too scared. uncertain. unsure. then i would've stayed much longer in uganda. i probably would've stayed several months at the least. but i was battling fear. people pleasing. and lack of confidence. HOWEVER, i am thankful i walked through this season of life because i have learned so much more about myself. i have learned so much more about who God is and His heart for His people. i believe every day is one step closer to bringing me to do what i was afraid to do and to do it with more confidence and trust. 

Day 19: Healing

What healed you this year? Was it sudden, or a drip-by-drip evolution? How would you like to be healed in 2011?

I am not quite sure how to answer this but the only thing i know that continues to heal. nurture. warm. and hits deep is spending time with babies. (for this post i am referring to specifically african babies.) there is something about holding a child in your arms knowing they haven't been loved. knowing they have been neglected. abused. malnourished. and in a way forgotten. it breaks my heart hearing about these things and their story. but it also heals and renews my heart knowing that i have been given an incredible privilege to love them. and to be the hands and feet of Jesus. 

i spent 2 weeks in uganda this september. i held. feed. changed diapers. played with. and loved on precious babies. there isn't anything quite like loving a child as though they were your own. i can't wait to go do it again...

not quite sure about this prompted anyways. weird question. if i answered the prompt correctly. then great. if i didn't. oh well. at least i didn't omit it like i was thinking about doing. 

until tomorrow...


Saturday, December 18, 2010

facing the daily prompts

every time i sit down to blog, i have writer's block. i am not sure why. i think it might be too many things going on in my head or in my life to hinder me from focusing on one thing. 

so as we are in mid-december i can't help but reflect on 2010. my friend bekah introduced me to REVERB10. it's a way to reflect on the year and look ahead to what next year holds. every day there are prompts given for you to answer. some are more challenging then others, but it's one way i can focus in one thing at a time. so here it goes...i'm picking up in the middle with 2 weeks until 2011. i may complete the earlier prompts as we enter into the new year. we will see...

Today's Prompt: Dec 18 - TRY
What do you want to try next year? Is there something you wanted to try in 2010? What happened when you did / didn’t go for it?

ok lets be honest. who want's to admit that they would try something and then didn't? well i will admit it. i am one of those people. i remember i said for my 2010 goal i wanted to run a half-marathon. did that happen? no. i actually remember telling several people and i even started to get some mileage under my feet. however, it was a fail. i didn't reach that goal. now i am back to ground zero. maybe i will be more discipline in 2011 to go through with it. maybe i will actually be successful. time will tell. 

as for 2011. i don't want to simply just try. to me that means.."crossing your fingers. you hope it will work. you aren't necessarily confident that it will. but you will try it and see. accepting failure if it may come." i don't want to just hope it will work. i want to be confident that it will. i don't want to just try. i want to give all that i can and have to achieve it. whatever it may be. so my goal is to go for it. confidently. believing in myself. and believing in the ONE who has gone before me. that may be running in a race or it may be something far greater than just a race. whatever it may be. i will accept it with great confidence from the Lord.


Friday, December 10, 2010

questions that pull

what is your dream? not your dream job. but what do you hope for most? 
what would be impossible by human hands, but only possible with God bringing you through? 

what is your passion? what drives you? do you wish you were doing something else instead of doing what you are doing now? why aren't you there yet? 
why aren't you living out your passion - your dream?

what would mark you with significance? 
what would make the most impact on people around you? 
and what would make the most difference in people when God calls you home? 

this past week i have either heard sermons (from louie giglio at passion city church). had conversations with dear friends over skype. and had my eyes opened a little more to the reality of it. the questions above have been ones i have just passed on by without letting them take root. maybe because it's fear. fear of the truth. fear of recognizing and acknowledging where i am. it could also be my lack of confidence in knowing what the answers are to the questions. i have easily side-stepped around the answers by the usual "i don't knows" and "i'm not sure". it's become a habit. one that i want to change. one that will take time. one that i need some accountability with. (to those who have already challenged me in this..thank you!)

answering questions like those above head-on are heavy. they certainly challenge me right where i am at this moment. and even though it may strip me of pride. of what i think i know. it's good. it's hard. it's refining. and i need that. i need refining every day. it's one action that is necessary. it must happen. our God is so gracious that He loves us enough to refine us a little each day. He wants us to want Him. and in everything i do. everyday. the purpose in that very activity is to glorify the Lord and bring honor to His name. and instead of letting the day pass by, why not stop. think about what will be the most significant thing you will do today? or what can you do in order to make it significant? 

have you thought about it? what will be your way of impacting someone?

may this spur us on even more. may this be the first step in changing our communities. our culture. our world. 

please share your thoughts. your ways of becoming countercultural. and how we together as a church body can all be significant. i am beginning this process as well. everyday i am learning more. 

dream. pursue. and be all to Him....for He is ALL to Us,
if you have time this weekend, i would recommend you listen to louie giglio's sermon titled "fully alive" from the passion city church. click here 

i actually wanted to post about it and share my thoughts...which i may...but as i tried to convey the words, i couldn't quite find the right ones. so go listen and watch this sermon.

i am thankful for the ways it has challenged and stirred me this week. my hope is that it will do the same for you...

may you be different because of it.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

thanksgiving week

dad's health.

i can't believe it's been a year since my dad's emergency trip to the hospital on thanksgiving. all of us don't really remember last year because it was a blurr with being in the hospital most of the time and entertaining the 7 little kiddos. what a crazy time it was, but we are all thankful and are counting our blessings as my dad is still with us for another thanksgiving!

my health.

it was a small group this year, but yet still full of fellowship, food, and football. however, i was the one who was sick this year. i came down with a case of shingles that tuesday before turkey day. i had not idea what it actually was because i was unfamiliar with the disease and the symptoms. i had the most irritating itching on my scalp. a rash that appeared on the right side of my forehead. fever. and severe headaches. it was downright awful. it wasn't until thursday when i finally self-diagnosed myself. because at that point all the symptoms were still present, plus the rash was slowly migrating into my right eye. it felt like needles were pricking me. again, not the best feeling in the world. at this point, i was taking any medicine i could to relieve some pain.

friday morning we called my brother-in-law who is a doctor and he confirmed that i have shingles. later that day i picked up my prescription and started feeling better 24hrs later. i am so thankful for those in the medical field and their wisdom in knowing about diseases such as shingles.

i feel almost 100% back to normal. i am working on getting rest and not being stressed. apparently, that is the cause of shingles. well add that to a vulnerable immune system and you have shingles.

thank you to those who i have had talks with this past week. it is truly encouraging to my spirit. love you all!

Monday, November 22, 2010

the game i love

with club volleyball season around the corner. i can't wait to see all what is to come. it's amazing to me the community of people that surround a court, watching a white ball being volleyed back and forth between two different teams. it's a game of strategy. of desire. of passion. of discipline. of sacrifice. of respect. of determination. it's a game i love to watch and coach. and one of my best friends says it just right...

"i want them to want to compete each time they step between the lines. not for me. not even for their teammates. for themselves. to prove they can do it. to instill confidence in themselves as athletes and young women. that's why i coach. volleyball is just a blip on the radar of life. but the character you develop on the roller coaster ride this sport takes you on, is, here's to another great season. and by great, i mean frustrating, yet so rewarding. here's to making a difference in the character development of 15 year old girls through the shared love of a little white ball...Game on."

let the training. practice. and competition begin...

Saturday, November 20, 2010


my heart aches. my spirit is stirred. my soul cries out. i wish i could fix the horrific situations around the world. it brings tears to my eyes when i read or hear about people sufferring. whether it's from poverty. from disease. from starvation. from child trafficking. from natural disasters. from wild spreading water-borne sickness. i am moved and disturbed to my core.

wednesday night at church we had a guest speaker. he began the night by saying, "i want you to be disturbed to your very core about the injustice around the world. we should be so messed up about it that it forces us to do something." he was adding on to what he discussed last week. we were studying the scripture in Luke 9:23-24. it's a piece of God's Word that is heavy. it's hard to wrap your mind around what Jesus is truly calling us to do. i spoke with him afterwards and he said "i wanted to bring this scripture close enough to us all that it rubbed us like sandpaper". and it did.

he spoke about the horrible and heartbreaking situation in Haiti right now. i knew about the cholera but i didn't know the chaos the country was in. the people are in such need for medical supplies. food. shelter. clean water. but its become a survival of the fittest. there are riots happening. buildings being burned that are full of supplies. and on top of that, they are suspending international help because of the rioting. my heart broke. and all i could say or feel was "God help them!"

found this verse and thought it was appropriate for the situation in Haiti...

"He brought them out of the darkness and the 
deepest gloom and broke away their chains." 
Ps. 107:14

here is article i found on the top 10 poorest countries in the world. interestingly enough, 9 out 10 countries are in africa. click the link below to read more...

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

not mine to know.

"The will of God is for you and me to give our lives urgently and recklessly to making the gospel and the glory of God known among all peoples...The question, therefore, is not, 'Can we find God's will?' The question is 'Will we obey God's will?'

"Will we refuse to sit back and wait for some tingly feeling to go down our spines before we rise up and do what we have already been commanded to do?"

"God knows every detail of our lives, and when we step out in faith to follow him, he will show us that our greatest security is not found in the comforts we can manufacture in this world but in the faithful provision of the only one who knows our needs and the only one who is able to meet our needs in every way."
-Radical, by David Platt

as i was trying to find words to share i looked back through a book i recently finished. if you haven't had the chance or time to read Radical, please do so. it will challenge you and move you. anyways, what i stumbled upon were the quotes above. they certainly relate to where i am. 

every season of life i go through is different. challenging. and a time i gain more knowledge of the Lord and my place in His plan. at the end of one season i begin to wonder what is next. i question. i doubt. i become anxious. i wonder if God will show me. or do i begin pursuing something. i become overwhelmed with knowing my purpose. my giftings. i get frustrated because i don't know. and as long as i am trying to know, i will fail. it's not mine to know. but it's for me to trust. to trust my God. to believe in His ways. to choose to rely on His guidance. to recognize that where i am right now is where i am suppose to be for this season of my life. it may be short. it may be long. but no matter the length of time, i am here. and when He is done using me here, He will move me somewhere else. i want to be a vessel for God use to further the kingdom. that is the purpose for which we are called. to love our heavenly Father, our Creator God. to love people. to pour our lives out and into others. to make disciples. and to reach those who are unreached. it is one beautiful story of God loving His people. 

as i continue to ask the Lord to lead me to the next stepping stone. He continues to place things in my lap that i wouldn't probably see as what i think i should do. but it makes me stop. it causes me to smile. to look up and say 'ok. i have to trust you more than what i know'. 

and a quote that is absolute relevant to my current season is the one that follows..."those who continue to seek the will of God will be run over by those doing the will of God. If you seek nothing but the will of God, He will always put you in the right place at the right time."

so this is where i am...i am thankful for the uncertainty -- even though it's scary. i am thankful for the unknown -- even though i question. i am thankful -- even though it's difficult. for HE is worthy. 

"Seek His kingdom first and His righteousness, 
and all these things will be given to you as well." (mt 6:33)

Thursday, October 21, 2010

crossing paths

there are moments where you can't rightly explained how it happened. times that you want to say "that was a coincidence, ironic, or by chance". however. when we view those moments from God's perspective. it completely takes out the "coincidences" and makes them 'divine appointments'. the exact path God wanted you to cross with that person. i have had many of those "divine appointments" throughout my life and i am blessed beyond words with the precious friends i have in my life. one that is most recent is when i met my friend Kelsey Young. i actually met her in Uganda. she is an american living in kampala, uganda. and i still am amazed on how we met. but God had it planned that he would allow our paths to cross and knit us together as friends. from the 2000 people who attend the Watoto Church in Kampala, she was one of them.

we became fast friends sharing our stories and how God brought us to Uganda. i was inspired and encouraged in many ways by her and what she is doing. to sum up her story, over the past 8 trips she has made to Uganda she and her team have developed a new ministry called ROWAN. which means..Rural Orphans and Widows Aids Network. she is spending all her energies and time getting this organization going. she spends most of it in the villages with the people in the Mawanga area. she and her team work with the woman and children by putting on food programs, activities, dramas, educational seminars over HIV/AIDS, and much more. i could go on and on about it all. every time i talk with her i always here the latest story of what God has done today to continue to show His hand in the ministry. it blows me away. the stories she tells me are undeniably the Lord's doing.

you should check out ROWAN at and her blog at

looking back to that day we met neither one of us knew the purpose of our paths crossing, but one thing we do know...God sure has a purpose for it! i am thankful for my new friend. she has challenged me so much and continues to do so. she is simply an ordinary woman, loving the Lord, and being a tool for Him to use.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

restore tour...

on monday night i had the privilege of attending the Watoto Choir: The Restore Tour in southlake, tx. the children and students in the tour have all survived the war in northern uganda. they all have either been former child soilders or abductees. it was a powerful message. they shared their song, dance, and stories of being captured by the LRA (Lord's Resistance Army). it moved me to tears. i can't imagine feeling what they felt. 

and in the midst of sharing the reality of what has been happening for the past 24 years, there was hope in the darkness. there was joy found in their deep sorrow. the children began singing, "my only hope is you, jesus." and though their lives were in the hands of the rebels, they continued to sing...though they lost family members, were forced to kill, and were brutally abused, each one of them choose to forgive. there is power in forgiveness and only through jesus do you have the ability to truly forgive. 

as i was watching the performance, my heart was full. i was just there in Gulu, Uganda a couple weeks ago. i got to visit the babies in Baby Watoto. i got to see the Children's Village that already has 300+ kids who have been rescued and now living in a place of restoration. i got to meet the women in the living hope ministry who are regaining their dignity. it's beautiful to see how God is changing that country one person at a time. it definitely made me miss being there. and i can't wait to get back. it is one of those moments when you see God moving and you just have to be a part of it. and as i long to be back, i have to see what God has for me today. where i am right now. as i gaze upon the Lord, I have to believe that He is and will fulfill His purpose for me in this place, as well as in africa.

And as Paul journeyed from place to place teaching and preaching the gospel…he was also a tent maker. He didn’t waste the gift the Lord had given him. He used it to further the kingdom. So wherever He went to take the gospel, he brought his work. So the lesson from that for me is to be wise with the gifts the Lord has given. While he has me where he does, I want to be a tool for the Lord to use so that He may receive even greater honor. I can’t just sit and do nothing. I must be actively engaged with the people. As a new church in Atlanta, GA, Passion City Church, says: “For God. For People. For the City. For the World.” That is my prayer. For where I am, For Cleburne. That the body of Christ , the church, may be a beckon of hope. A light in the darkness. The church is for God. It is for ALL people. For the city. And ultimately for the world.  

Monday, October 4, 2010

worlds collide.

(picture: Lucy & I at Suubi Baby House)

There is no other way to describe it. When you leave one country and come back to the one you reside in. its hard to process. It’s hard to discuss with those who didn’t experience what you did. It’s hard to pick back up in life. It’s hard to go back to what you were doing when your heart is somewhere else. It’s hard to not be with the team you were with for 10 days straight. Not that I haven’t LOVED getting to talk to friends and family about my’s just hard when two completely different worlds collide.

(picture: Hope and I at Suubi baby house)

I literally hit the ground running a week ago and I can’t hardly grasp how quickly 7 days slipped by. It blows me away really.  It’s a blurr to say the least. To be thrown into so many things after being in a country that changes you is beyond difficult. I honestly have had to ride it out. I have had to diligently carve out time to sit, journal, and process. And every time I do, I realize that the very fingerprints of those children we held and loved on, have been imprinted upon my heart.  You never can shake experiences like that off of you. The more I process, the more I realize the desire in my heart only grows stronger.

You are never quite the same after coming back from a 3rd world country. It changes you. It changes the way you think. The way you live. So why does our culture expect you to pick back up where you left off and live the same way you were? It bothers me how that is what is expected. I don’t want to live the same way. I don’t want it to not change me. For it already has.  It changed me even before going.

...uganda was written on my heart and has impacted me more than I can describe… 

(picture: Kevin & I at the Bullrushes in Kampala)

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

A few Baby Pics..more to come



William...he is 6 months old! So tiny...

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Bbira, Suubi, and Gulu

The past few days have been full of so many things...

Sunday we went to church at Watoto, fellowshipped with the people there, and all were challenged by the powerful sermon. That afternoon we headed to the children's village in Bbira to have lunch with some of the kids in their homes. It was so much fun! We got to catch their chickens, see their pigs, and walk around their plantation filled with banana trees, pumpkin plants, watermelon, and more. Sunday night our team host took us to a place called Ndere, which is where they have the traditional Ugandan dancing.

Monday and Tuesday we spent our time at the children's village in Suubi. We met all 30 or so kids there in the baby house. A portion of them had disabilities they were struggling with but it makes me even more thankful for the place they are in. We also painted several rooms that will soon be filled with little ones. The place where Suubi is located is right on top of this gorgeous mountain. Breath taking to say the least. It truly is a place of hope! (Suubi means hope) It currently has 900 kids and can still add more.

Wednesday and thursday we spent in Northern Uganda at Gulu. We visited both the baby house and the childrens village. Watoto Gulu just opened in June 2010. It has 300 kids but will eventually will have close to 700.

Love it here!! I have one more day until I head back to the states...not ready yet. Will write more stories later.

Much Love,

Friday, September 17, 2010

Oh Baby

kampala, uganda...the pearl of africa. known for the rolling hills. it absolutely is that and more. the scenery is different then what i imagined. honestly, i didn't know what to imagine. i wasn't expecting all the buildings. it seems a though the people of this country are more established in some areas. it's hard to explain but more people in the area we are in live in structures. i am sure we will see more remote areas as we go outside the city when we visit the other baby houses.

a couple of large buildings that can be seen from the guest house we are staying in are 2 huge mosques. both placed in the center of the city and on top of a hill. we actually heard some prayers and singing this morning before we all woke up.

our team just completed day 2 at Watoto Bulrushes. before i jump into day 2 events, i'll summarize day 1...
  • orientation at the Watoto Church
  • met kids from the Watoto village rehearsing for the Children's Choir. Their tour in the US begins in January
  • ate lunch at the Garden City Mall where we were bombarded with waters/waitresses from a variety of places. when we sat down at our table there were literally 20 men and woman places menus and telling us what to order. we were all overwhelmed to say the least and stressed out in choosing what to eat.
  • the afternoon was spent at the bulrushes (the name of the baby house here in Kampala). we met all the babies and learned a little bit more of what the next 10 days would be. we are so excited that we will be visiting all 3 baby homes...Bulrushes, Subbi, and Gulu. next week we will be traveling 5 hours north to spend 2 days with the babies up in the northern part of uganda
day 2 was a full day at the bulrushes...and it was sure a FULL day of events
  • this morning we took the "elephants" (ages 4-8months) on a walk. i loved getting to walk the streets of kampala with a baby wrapped on me. i slug my little boy, taylor, up i a chitenga (a wrap used in zambia). it was great. he was so happy and loved looking at everything. we went to play at a playground, ate a snack and then walked back. taylor fell asleep on me, which melted my heart.
  • the kids we had ate lunch and then had "potty time". literally all the kids were forced to poo in little baby potties. it was chaotic and an experience that affected all of us. haha. my little boy taylor is actually from Subbi so he wasn't used to the things here at the bulrushes. he didn't go in the potty so i took him and changed him to go out for play time. and as soon as i get outside and sit down he decided to go potty. little did i know that it was leaking out his diaper and onto my pants. so in he goes again to have a full changing. oh my..
  • once we hit lunch time we all were exhausted. each one of us experience this "potty time" so we were thankful we were done with that. the afternoon we feed the smaller babies and then played outside until we left at 5pm. but of course right before we left, we had one little girl named patricia completely throw up all her lunch. yes it was projectile. that was a nice end to our 2 day here.
so those are our has been so interesting observing the way things are run at the baby house and how the nannies care for them. it is clear there is a need for educating and training. for medical care and treatment. but what they have is great for now. there are premies at the bulrushes. probably the smallest babies i have ever seen. some have come into the house at 600 grams (about 1.5lbs). they are much healthier and doing well because of Baby Watoto.

hopefully all this makes sense, i didn't go back and proof it. thanks for your emails, notes, and comments of encouragement. it is different, but i have loved seeing a different country. there is definitely a constant need of love for these people and these children.

mukama akuwe omukisa.


Sunday, September 12, 2010

sending off from PCC

i am moved beyond words as i try to find words to describe the movement within the service at Passion City Church tonight. i arrived with Janet (our family friend/team leader) with her 4 kids. not knowing anyone. i left feeling as though i knew everyone. the time of worship and prayer was powerful. the time of fellowship with others was encouraging.

for the first time, i actually now know more about where i will be going and what i will be doing in Kampala. i truly feel so humbled to be able to go. i did get to meet most of the girls on our team. i loved finally putting a name and face together. and what moved me the most was after Louie explained Watoto and described our trip, he asked the congregation to pray for us and they did..but by applauding the Lord in the work that He will do through us. the team was standing up scattered all throughout the gym and all of the sudden everyone began standing up and clapping. it was absolutely breathtaking. they were not clapping for us. but for the Lord. and what God will do. i was overwhelmed by it all.

it was an incredible send off to say the least.

i am so thankful that i came a few days early to spend this time preparing my heart for Uganda, but also worshipping together with a body of believers seeking after the Lord. i could not be more excited for the movement happening here in Atlanta, GA. greater things are still to be done...

i am privileged to be a part of what God is doing...He is good and His faithfulness continues throughout each generation!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

departure time!


the time is here for me to head to the airport. check in. get settled into my seat. and journey across the ocean. i can't wait to see what has been waiting for me there. many days have been leading up to this and i am so thankful it's time. 

my heart is full for many reasons. but today i got a glimpse of what i may be doing for the next 2 weeks...i got to hold my friends 2 day old baby. if he only knew the precious family he has been born in to. if he only knew the love and tender care his parents have been giving him already. if he only knew how much joy and a blessing he is to so many! it's simply beautiful when you think about it. 

and then as i was talking to a dear friend of mine on the phone, i was thinking through that today was almost foreshadowing the next 2 weeks. i will be holding babies that have been recently born and up to 2 year olds. but the kids in the orphanage don't know the life they have been born into. they don't know they've been abandoned. neglected. unwanted. mistreated. unloved. and to their families..they are a burden. my heart breaks thinking about it and i can't even begin to imagine what i will be feeling when i have to walk away from them. 

i don't really know what to expect honestly. i don't really know what all i will be doing there. but that is part of the adventure in it all. not knowing forces me trust Him more. God has been so good in bringing me to this point. i can't wait to see all what He shows me in Uganda. 

i will try to update my blog as much as i can, but i am not sure if there will be internet. i will send either twitter updates, a fb post, or emails if and when i get a chance. thanks for all the prayers and encouragement! 

and as my friend wrote in her text tonight "live unsafe" (meaning trust the Lord in ways you never thought - He will come through)....that is how i will end this...

For His Name, 

Monday, September 6, 2010

Uganda...The Pearl of Africa

as i am down to a few days of leaving, i thought i would share some facts about uganda...
(recently updated 2010)

Population: 32, 369, 558 million

Median age: 15 yrs

Life expectancy: 52.72 yrs

Age Structure:
 0-14yrs 50% of population
15-64yrs 47.9% of population

Roman Catholic - 41.9%
Protestant - 42%
Muslim 12.1%
Other 3.1%

Population below poverty line: 35%

  • About half the population live on less than U.S. $1.25 per day (the international poverty line).
  • The official motto of Uganda is ‘For God and My Country’
  • Over 80% of workers are employed in the agricultural industry.
  • Uganda’s largest export is coffee.
  • English and Swahili are the two official languages of Uganda. Luganda is also spoken widely throughout the country. 
  • Soccer (football) is the most popular sport in Uganda. However, cricket is becoming increasingly popular with the national side finishing runner-up in Division 3 of the World Cricket League in 2009
More facts from the Watoto Website:

Baby Watoto is a part of the Watoto Orphanage. 
I will be working with babies ranging from 0-2yrs old.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Pray for B.A.

got to spend a few hours with a friend of mine before she headed off to southeast asia for 2 years today!

here is her story. please pray for her as she begins this journey...

Saturday, August 28, 2010

are we too afraid?

whenever someone shares their stories about going overseas my ears always seem to perk up even if i am not actually in the conversation. it is intriguing to listen to others' perspective. last week this happened and it began to stir in me many emotions.

a family friend was sharing about her sister's trip she had taken to Haiti. the tone in her voice spoke of fear for her sister life. she expressed how she just wanted her to get back to the US where it's safe. that the places her sister went in Haiti was dangerous, dark, and oppressive. the sister described witchcraft traditions and practices she saw throughout some of the communities. she even shared stories about children being raped by being forced into the horrific child trafficking cycle.

as our family friend continued, i simply was listening from afar as i was working on a puzzle. i wasn't surprised at all to hear those stories. actually i was thankful she was sharing it with some of my family. the reaction from them was sad, speechless, and in disbelief. i was agreeing with our family friend in all she said because of the actually truth with all that is still happening in so many countries. BUT in that same moment i thought to myself..."if we are too fearful and don't want anyone to go to a dangerous place, then who will go? those people in that country need to know about Jesus too. they need to be loved on. they need to have someone investing into them and speaking truth. if we are too afraid about our lives or the lives of our family members, then who will go?" we are so sucked into being 'safe' and not putting our lives in jeopardy for the sake of someone else. so we remain where we are. with people dying everyday in a neighboring country. suffering because no one will care for them. no one will invest their time (which i believe is the most valuable thing we have) in others.

we choose safety and comfort over impacting and changing a life. really saving a life. giving hope. giving life. giving for the sake of the least. isn't that what God gave His son for? for us. for them. so why not follow that example? what is holding us back?

my prayer is that the veil will be lifted so that our eyes may see the real needs of people. that we would step out believing that God is worth it. no matter what situation we are in. that He is worth it. if we are persecuted. if we are stripped of everything. if we lose all that we have...

"But whatever was to my profit I now consider loss
for the sake of Christ. What is more,
I consider everything a loss
compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord,
for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish,
that I may gain Christ and be found in Him,
not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law,
but that which is through faith in Christ
- the righteousness that comes from God and is by faith."
Phil 3:7-10

Friday, August 13, 2010

the question

it's crazy how quickly 7 days can go by. lately things have a been such a whirlwind that i can't keep up with what day it is. i am thankful for those people who help me in that aspect. last week i went to my aunt and uncle's lake house. a bunch of my family were there for the day. it was a much needed getaway. the Lord definitely ordained many conversations with a few of my family members. as i even think back to those, a smile is brought to my face. they have loved me for me. supported me through every season in life. and continue to encourage, challenge, and pray for what God is doing in my life.

sometimes when i haven't seen family or even friends in awhile a certain question seems to always pop up. the "what are you doing now" question. i just smile and laugh internally (sometimes externally too) at the question. not what they are asking, but how to answer it in a shorten version. the busyness of our society and world today pretty much demands for a one word or very short explanation of our life. this past week i had two very different people ask me that. two different responses. and two different perspectives.

one of my many cousins at the lake pulled me aside and ask that question. i knew his heart behind it and i felt at ease with sharing all that had transpired up to that point. i knew he would listen. understand. see my heart. my passion. and encourage me. i wasn't afraid of what he may think of me. because in the end it shouldn't matter what people say. only what God says and does matters. anyways, we talked for quite awhile. it was absolutely refreshing to share all what God had been teaching me. he smiled a lot while i was talking. he shared in my excitement and spurred me on. i am so thankful for that conversation. truly i am.

throughout the rest of the day i had wonderful conversations with other members of my family. it was a sweet time to share the day with them. i have been so blessed to be raised in this kind of community and tender fellowship. my aunt and i also had a great talk at the end of day. she is a woman of strength. grace. hope. wisdom. and tender unconditional love.

now the other person who asked me "the" question had a much different feel. i met this lady at my nephews football practice. she was wondering "what else do i do besides coach volleyball"? (you see i am helping this small christian academy start their volleyball program and i have been spending a lot of time up at the school. but the way this question came across was that what i do isn't enough. since it's not measurable then it's not success. so there has to be something else i do besides it, right?) okay back to answering her question...i just smiled because i knew if i tried to explain things she wouldn't really care. or maybe not even care to know. or simply not even understand. so i stuck with a short answer and said "i just do this [coach]". i think she was shocked because she didn't really know what else to say. it was interesting to say the least. but that question stuck with me the rest of the night.

i don't know what it is about our society. it bothers me though that the answer to that question (what are we doing in our life?) defines who we are. as though our 'job' makes us acceptable. or gives us value. its been something that has bothered me over the past couple of days. why is it that we have to be "doing" something to give us worth. why can't we just be. is loving people not enough? is investing and pouring into youth not enough? is living out the gospel not enough? is following Christ not enough? is obeying the Lord not enough? is being a vessel for the Lord to use not enough? is being His hands and feet not enough? is Jesus not enough? that's the question that should be asked. is Jesus enough for you? because if Christ isn't enough for you, then what is? he is our reward. our treasure. and who is coming back for us one day. he is the promised one. he is the one who completely satisfies us. he is the one who defines me. gives me value. what we should be 'doing' is giving our lives for him. no matter the cost.

yes. i am coaching. but there is so much more God is doing then just that. my heart is stirring and building with inexpressible joy as i get closer to leaving for Uganda. being able to love on children. touch their weary bodies. and tell them about the hope of Jesus is such a privilege and passion of mine. i come alive being in africa. i am humbled to go on behalf of the Lord. may each of us be in the place we can flourish and bring the greatest glory to God.