This week the temperatures have been cooler. The
ground has been more wet. The mud has been more present then usual. The sky has
been darker. The clouds have been heavy. The rains have come. Making it
difficult for everyone. It’s only a matter of time though when it will pass.
When the calmness comes. When a tranquility of peace falls. When quietness soothes the soul. And a
feeling that only comes after the winds, the rain, the thunder, and lightening
blows through. You get to enjoy the refreshing feeling if only you are willing
to hang on. If you are able and strong enough to withstand the storm.
Being at rest and seeking the stillness your soul
longs for can be difficult. When deep down you long for it but somehow you
can’t get there. We can’t find our way by ourselves. We have to be lead by Him
who knows. We have to be guided, directed, and lead by the Great Shepherd. He
sees the best path, one that we can handle. However, at times, we as sheep,
will go astray. We may think we know how to quiet our soul and choose our own
way. But before we know it, our legs are broken…We are now being carried. We
are on the shoulders of the Shepherd. He knows a better way, if we would only
trust Him. If we would just let Him have His way. And now as He holds us close,
we can see from His perspective. Through the pain of our legs being broken. The
hurt. The suffering. We have to now endure the healing process. We have to
wait. Be patient. And let God heal in His own and beautiful way. We are forced
to be still. To rest and let His healing hands work.
Through the waiting period, we can haunted by our ghosts:
fears, doubts, worries, insecurities, questions, uncertainties, etc…in the deep
stillness, we are forced to face them. It's an ugly battle. One that we
normally wouldn't choose. We may kick, scream, cry, be overwhelmed, or sit and
hope it will pass. Then at the breaking point, we surrender. However, no matter
what we may think or feel..we will win in the end. We win because we know the
truth. We know that Jesus has overcome. We know that God's word is true. And in
His very words He calls us His children. That He does not leave us. He leads us
through what we think as a daunting and unimaginable journey. He leads us to a place of
such freedom, peace, joy and abundant life!
Sometimes we don’t like to be still and rest, but oh there
is such a treasure there. And the only way to really understand, one must still
their heart and spirit. You must wait upon the Lord. You must listen in the
quietness of your heart. Even though you may be wrestling with so much, your
heart and soul long to commune with the Lord of Lords. It’s so worth pressing
in and finding Him waiting for you. It’s worth the tears. The pruning. The
molding of my heart to His. He sets these moments into action in order to draw
us closer to Him. He is our loving Abba, Father, who knows what is best for us,
who He has adopted as His own!
Below is what I read in my morning devotions from the book
Streams in the Desert this mroning:
“For my words will certianly be fulfilled at the proper
Luke 1:20
“What the Lord has said…will be accomplished.”
Luke 1:45
The Lord is sure to accomplish those things a loving heart
has waited long to see;
those words will be fulfilled to which she clings,
because her God has promised faithfully;
and knowing Him, she never can doubt
His Word;
He speaks and it is done. The mighty Lord!
The Lord is sure to accomplish those things,
O burdened
heart, rest ever in His care;
In quietness beneath His shadowing wings,
await the answers
to your longing prayers.
When you have cast your cares, the heart then sings,
The Lord is sure to accomplish those things.
O tired heart, believe, and wait and pray.
Though the cloud
and rain and storm have filled the day.
Faith pierces through the mist of
The Lord is sure to accomplish those things,
O trusting
heart, the Lord to you has told;
Let Faith and Hope arise…
“…you are God’s children because you know the Father…
word lives in your hearts and you have won your battle with the evil one.”
John 2:14