Wednesday, September 12, 2012

"Always be full of joy in the Lord. 
I say it again—rejoice! 
 Let everyone see that you are 
considerate in all you do." 
Phil 4:4-5 NLT
the sweetness of a new season has refreshed my heart and soul. i am so undeserving of the many blessings the Lord has graciously given. He has moved and stirred my affections for Him in more ways than i imagined. and it's not because of what He has done for me or the blessings He has given. my affections are stirred because of who He is to me. He has shown Himself as my Father, my Shepherd, my Joy, my source of life, my Protector, my Leader, my Refuge, my Hope, my Strength, my Guide, my every step, One in whom i can fully Trust...and so much more!

sometimes change can be difficult for me. it can pull, pry, refine, shape, draw up anxiety or frustrate me. it's natural and normal to feel that way. but this time it's different...yes, i did just get back from uganda 7 weeks ago. yes i did just pack up and move to new braunfels, texas 2 weeks into arriving in the states. yes, i did just start a new job and i've been running 100miles an hour since. yes, life is crazy to say the least but i have had such a blast! i can't believe how much fun i have had thus far. :)

i absolutely love what i get to do. being on campus as a librarian as well as being on the court and coaching a sport i love. it's a dream job really. in addition to work, i have been spoiled with the friendships i have made so far. at times it's hard for me meeting new people but God has blessed my socks off.  i have loved and thoroughly enjoy being around them! and at the end of the day...i stand in awe. not at the tangible things God has done. but the unseen things -- the way He comforts my spirit-- the way He knows my heart -- the way he establishes conversations that are challenging and uplifting -- the way He takes care of a weary soul like mine. He knows what i need. so i rest in that. i rest in the fact that my security is found in Him. i rest in His sweetness and in His love. and i embrace this season with open arms and refreshed soul!

~thank you Jesus for leading me and showing yourself more beautifully than ever!

"Do not be anxious about anything, 
but in every situation, 
by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, 
present your requests to God. 
And the peace of God, 
which transcends all understanding, 
will guard your hearts 
and your minds in Christ Jesus." 
Phil 4:6-7 NIV