So it's been 1 month and 3 days since I became Mrs. Sugg! I can't believe we already have the first month of marriage under our belt. It has been the most beautiful, gracious, glorious, yet challenging, character building, sharpening adventure of my life thus far! I am amazed each day that the Lord allows me to spend another day being a wife to the most wonderful man. I definitely married up and I am honored to stand next to Jordan. He is God's gift to me and I feel so privileged to get to serve and love him each day. God has been washing HIS Holy word over me and showing me more ways to love Jordan than I could have fathomed on my own. I LOVE MARRIED LIFE...AND I believe I always will...though it may be tougher at times, those moments are for the better. They are making ME, making us, more like Christ.
Thank you Jesus for the man you have blessed me with! I do not deserve him at all, yet he is the one you chose before time. He is a man after your heart and that makes me run after You faster! May Your hand be upon us as we run life together! Our desire is to make much of You in bringing Glory and Honor to Your Name! Amen.
Here is a snap shot of the wedding told by our amazing photographer! They are pretty spectacular! :)
Click on the link to read our story told through our photographer's lens...