Tuesday, February 2, 2010


This last weekend I finally got to go home to visit my parents on the ranch. They were gone all last week working hard in Colorado as they were enjoying skiing many slopes the whole week. What a life, huh!?!? This one my first time to miss the family vaca so I decided to catch them as they returned home. It was great to be home and RELAX. I soon remembered how good it is to sit and let your spirit get renewed. I took off Friday and Monday from babysitting so that I could have a longer time at home. However, I didn't manage to make it home until Saturday afternoon because I ended up talking to one of my high school girls until late Friday night and then Saturday morning I went to my cousins goat show at the stockyards in Ft Worth (pictures coming soon...).

Anyways, when I got to my house the first objective was to build me a good fire to sit by. There is something so peaceful about a crackling fire and the warmth it brings during the cold nights. Even though it took me awhile to get it going, it was worth it!! I settled into the cozy chair, watched a movie, and then read a book until my parents arrived home. One of my favorite things was staying up late and talking to my Mom even though she was exhausted from her travels.

During that time I realized something...you must give yourself permission to rest and to sit still. Typically my days are filled with either babysitting, volleyball practice (or tournaments), church, hanging out with some of my high school girls, or just running around town. It's all great and I love everything, but even with those things being good I am still lacking something...being still before the Lord.

There will be times when you have to say NO instead of always saying YES. There will be moments when you have to examine yourself and see if you need a break. Time off. Or even rest. And when you realize it - give yourself permission to do just that. Quiet yourself before the Lord. And during that quietness He will speak to you.

God is so gracious in allowing us to find Him in those moments of stillness. He's there waiting for us to press into Him and know Him more...may you find time soon to rest and be still!

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