Friday, August 13, 2010

the question

it's crazy how quickly 7 days can go by. lately things have a been such a whirlwind that i can't keep up with what day it is. i am thankful for those people who help me in that aspect. last week i went to my aunt and uncle's lake house. a bunch of my family were there for the day. it was a much needed getaway. the Lord definitely ordained many conversations with a few of my family members. as i even think back to those, a smile is brought to my face. they have loved me for me. supported me through every season in life. and continue to encourage, challenge, and pray for what God is doing in my life.

sometimes when i haven't seen family or even friends in awhile a certain question seems to always pop up. the "what are you doing now" question. i just smile and laugh internally (sometimes externally too) at the question. not what they are asking, but how to answer it in a shorten version. the busyness of our society and world today pretty much demands for a one word or very short explanation of our life. this past week i had two very different people ask me that. two different responses. and two different perspectives.

one of my many cousins at the lake pulled me aside and ask that question. i knew his heart behind it and i felt at ease with sharing all that had transpired up to that point. i knew he would listen. understand. see my heart. my passion. and encourage me. i wasn't afraid of what he may think of me. because in the end it shouldn't matter what people say. only what God says and does matters. anyways, we talked for quite awhile. it was absolutely refreshing to share all what God had been teaching me. he smiled a lot while i was talking. he shared in my excitement and spurred me on. i am so thankful for that conversation. truly i am.

throughout the rest of the day i had wonderful conversations with other members of my family. it was a sweet time to share the day with them. i have been so blessed to be raised in this kind of community and tender fellowship. my aunt and i also had a great talk at the end of day. she is a woman of strength. grace. hope. wisdom. and tender unconditional love.

now the other person who asked me "the" question had a much different feel. i met this lady at my nephews football practice. she was wondering "what else do i do besides coach volleyball"? (you see i am helping this small christian academy start their volleyball program and i have been spending a lot of time up at the school. but the way this question came across was that what i do isn't enough. since it's not measurable then it's not success. so there has to be something else i do besides it, right?) okay back to answering her question...i just smiled because i knew if i tried to explain things she wouldn't really care. or maybe not even care to know. or simply not even understand. so i stuck with a short answer and said "i just do this [coach]". i think she was shocked because she didn't really know what else to say. it was interesting to say the least. but that question stuck with me the rest of the night.

i don't know what it is about our society. it bothers me though that the answer to that question (what are we doing in our life?) defines who we are. as though our 'job' makes us acceptable. or gives us value. its been something that has bothered me over the past couple of days. why is it that we have to be "doing" something to give us worth. why can't we just be. is loving people not enough? is investing and pouring into youth not enough? is living out the gospel not enough? is following Christ not enough? is obeying the Lord not enough? is being a vessel for the Lord to use not enough? is being His hands and feet not enough? is Jesus not enough? that's the question that should be asked. is Jesus enough for you? because if Christ isn't enough for you, then what is? he is our reward. our treasure. and who is coming back for us one day. he is the promised one. he is the one who completely satisfies us. he is the one who defines me. gives me value. what we should be 'doing' is giving our lives for him. no matter the cost.

yes. i am coaching. but there is so much more God is doing then just that. my heart is stirring and building with inexpressible joy as i get closer to leaving for Uganda. being able to love on children. touch their weary bodies. and tell them about the hope of Jesus is such a privilege and passion of mine. i come alive being in africa. i am humbled to go on behalf of the Lord. may each of us be in the place we can flourish and bring the greatest glory to God.

1 comment:

bekah brinkley said...

bring the heat!! my heart is right there with you Joy. i'm so grateful that we're walking through this phase of life together. thanks for being honest and remaining faithful to where He has called you. always praying for you!!