Wednesday, March 28, 2012

spring is coming!

(i actually wrote this on March 20, 1st day of spring, but didn't post it until today! )

today set the stage for a new season! it can be exhilarating for some as the anticipation of a new day and chapter begins. there is joy, hope, and relief. on the other side though, it can be a struggle. it can be difficult to move forward. sometimes a new season in life brings a lot of uncertainty, confusion, and mixed emotion. new seasons can be very sporadic and chaotic, or they can be smooth and an easy transition.

for those of us living in texas it's hard to see the clear cut seasonal change. occasionally we do, but for the most part we get confused on what season we are in. we feel mixed up, unsure, and out of wack. some days it's hot, then the very next it can be freezing cold. moments we have sunshine and then quickly we have snow. there are days of consistency and normalacy, but when we have a change in weather it's distinguished as abnormal. therefore, when change happens we tend to not cope as well as we hoped.

i have spent the last 4 months in the states at home in a season of life that has been everything but normal and easy. my entire family has been adjusting together. trying to figure out what life looks like without the patriarch of our family. we all knew we would face a loss at some point down the road, but it came all too soon for us. you are never ready for it. however, we are making steps. we are learning day by day how to embrace this new season. some days are easier than others, but we are doing it.

i am about to began another season. not necessary a completely different season, but one that is familiar to me. just as the weather can change back and forth until it settles out, that's how i would describe it. i spent just under 3 months in uganda in the fall, came back to the states for an unexpected 4 months, and soon i will be returning to africa. i am excited to see what this season of life brings. oh how i have been praying and dreaming for big things to happen. as i have been spending time here in the states, God continues to prune, refine, shape, and mold me. He is good in making me more like Him with identifying areas that need to be fleshed out and brought to the light. i can't tell you how humbling it is, but in turn i am able to walk in freedom. there is a newness i feel with all that is ahead. so as i began the process of packing up my things once again and prepare to leave April 21st, i look to the One is my steady rock in the midst of the changing seasons. He is One who never changes and will carry me through each season.

thank you, O Lord, for being my refuge, my strength, my peace and the One who makes ALL things new!

Monday, March 26, 2012

the importance of family

lately i have come to truly understand the importance of family. there is a unique richness. a refreshing feeling. a sense of strength, comfort, relief and a glimmer of hope when surrounded by family.

having a conversation with my mom today over lunch gave me another appreciation of family. as we look back on 2 months of my dad not being with us. we wonder how we are making it? we wonder why we feel stronger then others who are also dealing with a loss in their family. through our discussion we pin pointed an answer to that question... not only do we feel comforted, encouraged, and strengthened in knowing that my daddy is with Jesus, but we long for that day when we will get to see Jesus face to face, for that is our eternal home. our time on earth is temporary. for we just passing through. and yet, if we take that one step further. if we simplified it even more, as my mom pressed...we find that we believe the Word of God is true. We believe God says heaven is our eternal home and this earth is only temporary. God's word is our hope. it is His very words that give us hope, strength and courage to face each day. (Matt 24:35; 2 Cor 4:16-18)

in addition to that though, there is something else. it plays a secondary role...the support from family members. i won't go into details of how mine has been the sturdy support for me and how we all function together, but my mom stated that she has made it thus far because of us kids being strong for her and finding ways to support each other. we have found that we need each other to get through it all. whether we are a sister, mom, brother, dad, child, cousin, friend...we all function together. we all play a specific role. the question is, are you fulfilling your role in the family God has placed you in? it may be your biological family, but it also may be your spiritual family and the people God places around you to live life with. 

i find myself today looking ahead in returning to the people of mawanga. to know we have been called as God's family to love, support, strengthen, encourage, and walk through life together. we need each other. i know i can't offer anything to those in uganda that will fix their situation, but i can offer Christ's love and God's word to them. we can read it together. we can find courage together. we can find truth together that gives HOPE to our weary hearts. together we are the church. the body of Christ. His strength will be our strength. therefore we press on each day...


Wednesday, March 21, 2012

how do i describe a village...

Unmistakable smiles. Unconditional love. Unwavering strength. Unselfish servant hood. Unbreakable relationships. Unending fellowship with each other and with Jesus Himself. Unified hearts, spirits and lives. That is Mawanga.

I can’t seem to find the words to adequately describe my experience in Mawanga but I will try. My vision of the village and what I imagined it would be, didn’t quite meet up to what I experienced. I was stretched, challenged, humbled, strengthened, loved on, embraced, shown grace, mercy, and so much more that I could ever imagined.

From the first steps on the beautiful dirt, to the tears I left behind, I know one thing is for sure…God is moving among the people there. For me to catch a glimpse of His work was such a privilege and honor.

I have so many stories from the village. Journey with me to the remote village in eastern Uganda….I would be welcomed by friendly animals such as the cows, goats, chickens, lizards, the loud birds, and the lovely rats that paid a nightly visit as I dosed off the sleep..but that’s just the beginning. I would then met the individuals that make up the Mawanga community- and listen to the testimonies of the hundreds of lives ROWAN is impacting; which include a group of about 30-50 of the most beautiful and strong widows I have every met. Not to mention, 100 plus orphans who are being ministered to throughout the week, and the amazing local ROWAN staff who give their time sacrificially every day. They serve, love, and empower the people of Mawanga with the ability and vision that God gives to them. I would hop on a motorcycle and ride around within the 30 villages that ROWAN reaches to sit and encourage people living with HIV in their homes, I got to help prepare the garden for planting dozens of passion fruit trees. I had a fun time at the adult literacy class that serves 80 community members weekly as I taught them a silly song to remember specific words, and I also learned patience and diligence from the widows that make bead necklaces out of paper! After this long day, I would have a night visit by the rats as I fell asleep under the mosquito net! J

One of my most memorable experiences was meeting all the secondary students (high school) and hearing about their dreams and goals! In addition, I got to teach songs to the young children, and walk around the land that we believe the Lord will give us one day for a school. But even with all of these incredible memories...I had found something even greater. I realized the more time I spent in Mawanga, the more I got to SEE Jesus.

From the preparation state I was encouraged to go with an openness of the heart, soul, and mind. I was challenged to OPEN my eyes and SEE. So many times we can go watch and look from afar, but when you are aware and you stop to SEE what is right in front of you, it changes everything. Each time I went to Mawanga, I wanted to see what Jesus wanted me to see. I prayed that He would show me who to see with spiritual eyes, who needs to be loved, touched, and given value and hope. I desired to see beyond what I could physically see. I can’t tell you how that changed me. I saw Jesus do so many things…I saw how He is bringing tangible HOPE to people. I saw how He reaches down and carries the weary. I saw how He supports and provides for the widows. I saw how He is restoring relationships, bringing community and fellowship into a place that has been so desperate for it. I saw how He has brought smiles of joy back on the faces of so many who have felt helpless in the past. I realized that when I was willing to go where He called me, He welcomed me into a family that loves radically and unconditionally. I saw how Jesus is healing, making all things new, and drawing each person to Himself. I saw how alive Jesus is and dwelling there in Mawanga. I saw how much more Jesus’ love is for me!

I cannot think of a more beautiful place to have spent my time. There is life, freedom, and HOPE rising! I’m so grateful for the opportunity to have come alongside ROWAN and everyone involved! I am looking forward to many more moments in the village as I plan to go back in the next month or so...

anyone want to come join us in Mawanga? let me know! :)