Monday, March 26, 2012

the importance of family

lately i have come to truly understand the importance of family. there is a unique richness. a refreshing feeling. a sense of strength, comfort, relief and a glimmer of hope when surrounded by family.

having a conversation with my mom today over lunch gave me another appreciation of family. as we look back on 2 months of my dad not being with us. we wonder how we are making it? we wonder why we feel stronger then others who are also dealing with a loss in their family. through our discussion we pin pointed an answer to that question... not only do we feel comforted, encouraged, and strengthened in knowing that my daddy is with Jesus, but we long for that day when we will get to see Jesus face to face, for that is our eternal home. our time on earth is temporary. for we just passing through. and yet, if we take that one step further. if we simplified it even more, as my mom pressed...we find that we believe the Word of God is true. We believe God says heaven is our eternal home and this earth is only temporary. God's word is our hope. it is His very words that give us hope, strength and courage to face each day. (Matt 24:35; 2 Cor 4:16-18)

in addition to that though, there is something else. it plays a secondary role...the support from family members. i won't go into details of how mine has been the sturdy support for me and how we all function together, but my mom stated that she has made it thus far because of us kids being strong for her and finding ways to support each other. we have found that we need each other to get through it all. whether we are a sister, mom, brother, dad, child, cousin, friend...we all function together. we all play a specific role. the question is, are you fulfilling your role in the family God has placed you in? it may be your biological family, but it also may be your spiritual family and the people God places around you to live life with. 

i find myself today looking ahead in returning to the people of mawanga. to know we have been called as God's family to love, support, strengthen, encourage, and walk through life together. we need each other. i know i can't offer anything to those in uganda that will fix their situation, but i can offer Christ's love and God's word to them. we can read it together. we can find courage together. we can find truth together that gives HOPE to our weary hearts. together we are the church. the body of Christ. His strength will be our strength. therefore we press on each day...


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