Monday, June 4, 2012

a few of the daily battles...

a few eye opening statistics on the various issues that so many people face in 3rd world countries. (taken from the book i'm reading, "Hole in the Gospel")

*1 out of 4 children in developing countries is underweight
*every 5 seconds a child dies from hunger-related causes
*25,000 people die each day and 9 million people die per year
 from hunger related causes

*one of the world’s deadliest diseases
*more than 500 million clinical cases each year, resulting in 1.5-2.7 million deaths
*just 1 drop of water the size of the period at the end of this sentence can contain as many as fifty thousand one-celled parasites that carry the disease, yet it takes just one to kill a person.
*1 in every 13 people in the world every year become sick with Malaria
*1 child dies from Malaria every 30 seconds

Tuberculosis (TB)
*1/3 of the world’s population is infected..meaning about 2 billion people
*9 million new cases are reported annually
*2 million deaths

*33 million people are infected
*70% of those infected are living in Africa
*25 million deaths since 1981
*1 in 3 adults in Swaziland are infected

All three of these life-threatening diseases result in more than 5 million deaths per year and half a billion new infections. 

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