Thursday, October 21, 2010

crossing paths

there are moments where you can't rightly explained how it happened. times that you want to say "that was a coincidence, ironic, or by chance". however. when we view those moments from God's perspective. it completely takes out the "coincidences" and makes them 'divine appointments'. the exact path God wanted you to cross with that person. i have had many of those "divine appointments" throughout my life and i am blessed beyond words with the precious friends i have in my life. one that is most recent is when i met my friend Kelsey Young. i actually met her in Uganda. she is an american living in kampala, uganda. and i still am amazed on how we met. but God had it planned that he would allow our paths to cross and knit us together as friends. from the 2000 people who attend the Watoto Church in Kampala, she was one of them.

we became fast friends sharing our stories and how God brought us to Uganda. i was inspired and encouraged in many ways by her and what she is doing. to sum up her story, over the past 8 trips she has made to Uganda she and her team have developed a new ministry called ROWAN. which means..Rural Orphans and Widows Aids Network. she is spending all her energies and time getting this organization going. she spends most of it in the villages with the people in the Mawanga area. she and her team work with the woman and children by putting on food programs, activities, dramas, educational seminars over HIV/AIDS, and much more. i could go on and on about it all. every time i talk with her i always here the latest story of what God has done today to continue to show His hand in the ministry. it blows me away. the stories she tells me are undeniably the Lord's doing.

you should check out ROWAN at and her blog at

looking back to that day we met neither one of us knew the purpose of our paths crossing, but one thing we do know...God sure has a purpose for it! i am thankful for my new friend. she has challenged me so much and continues to do so. she is simply an ordinary woman, loving the Lord, and being a tool for Him to use.

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