one thing is for certain though. reading books is so good for me. it's good for my heart. it's good for my mind. it's good for my spirit. it's good for my well being. there is something about letting myself sit, get caught up in a book, pushing the distractions aside, being challenged, and gaining more then what i began with.
one of my friends recommended a book to me this summer. it's called
"when helping hurts: how to alleviate poverty
without hurting the poor and yourself."
i love when i open up this book to read. i learn more. i relate more. i grow more in how to come alongside others no matter the culture, the color of skin, the socioeconomic status, or the lifestyle. for it's not about any of those things that our world or society says that makes us different. we are all suffering and dealing with poverty in one way or another. we are not here to tell people what or how to live. we are hear to do life WITH others. to build relationships. to learn from each other. to serve one another. to share our lives.
that is what this book discusses. so many times we (individuals, small teams, short term mission teams, ministries, churches, etc) will go do mission trips to alleviete some form of poverty of others. we will go thinking "we have something to offer". we go with a "fix it" mentality. we go with a plethora of projects, to-do lists, materials, and so much more. i am not saying this is a bad thing, but when you really think about the culture, the people and country you are going to be a part of, you may not need any of that. when it comes down to it, the relationships you form with the people is the most important thing and should be the ulimate goal of any mission trip.
it takes more time to sit and talk with others. it takes more time to discuss the ups and downs of life. it takes more time to hear people's life story. it takes more time to truly get to know others. it takes more time to make disciples as we have been called to do. building relationships is not a quick, easy to-do project. it is an ongoing, everyday, long-term commitment. you may not see instant results, but your life as well as theirs, will be changed forever!