Tuesday, May 22, 2012

the unseen blessings of “wet sunshine”

 it has become the ongoing joke each time I go to the village because it doesn’t just rain a little, it rains A LOT! Although it is the rainy season here in Uganda and it usually rains daily for about 30 minutes, it seems to tarry over the village a bit longer than normal. I mentioned how muddy it can become on a recent post, but I wanted to share a fun story...

on a beautiful sun-filled day in Mawanga, I joined up with Christopher to do a few home visits. Thankfully we had a boda-boda donated to the ministry, which has helped tremendously when moving around from one village to another. Since ROWAN serves members throughout 30 surrounding villages, it is imperative to have numerous ways of transportation in order to visit the orphans and widows.

We drove. And drove. And drove...Up, around, down, over, under...until we made it. We spent time with Hadijah and Christine as we listened to their stories, cried and prayed together. In the distance, we quickly realized the clouds were rolling in. We had to cut of our time with Christine due to what was about to hit us. So as we were making are long journey back, it began sprinkling. Then before we knew it, it was a heavy downpour. At this point, there was no keeping dry. I told Christopher to just stop anywhere, but he insisted we keep going a little further. He kept saying, "we are close". [Now I will have to add a disclaimer here because that statement means something different then what we would clarify in the States as being close. "Close" can mean 30 mins, several kilometers, etc.] I simply laughed knowing that we could be on the boda for a little while longer until we found shelter. At this point, we were both soaked. We soon pulled over to a house. Jumped off the boda and hurried under the roof and into the home. A man, named David, invited us in. We sat down on the chairs they had and all of the sudden, children were popping up out of now where. :) There were 5 adults and 8+ children sitting around us! They each were precious with their curious smiles! 

As it continued to rain, I began chatting with David. He began telling me how he is raising 8+ children and providing for his wife. He said "he wasn't sure how he was going to managed and that he needed assistance". I immediately knew the door had opened for me to share some encouraging words. So I did. :) I began telling him, "each child is a blessing and God placed you as the head of this family for a reason. He blessed you with all of these kids because He knew you could take care of them, provide for them, and raise them to honor the Lord. God will lead you as you lead your family. He will give you what you and your family needs on a daily basis. The Lord knew you could handle these 8 beautiful children for they are precious to Him". Afterwards I prayed over him and his family. He smiled and thanked me for the kind words I shared. A few minutes later, the rains stopped and Chris and I headed home.  

What I love about this entire situation is that though the rains came and we were soaked, God led us to this house. To this family. To this man named David. So that he could be encouraged in the midst of his circumstances. I love when God sends blessings like this. Opportunities that only He could design. So I will be thankful for the "wet sunshine" because through the rain, Jesus shines brightly!  

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