Saturday, June 20, 2009

The past week..

I can't believe it's been 10 days since I last blogged. It's been quite busy. I have been working a lot at the Tree of Life in preparation for more kids. And speaking of...we moved 12 more kids in today!! So now we have almost 60 kids living full-time in 4 beautiful homes at the village!! What an amazing afternoon it was...children singing, playing, jumping on the trampoline, sitting in my lap, and soaking in the beautiful place God has provided for them. I can't tell you how much fun that place is!! 

Camp LIFE this week went by so fast!! I can't believe we are about to start week 4...So many American's on our team have come and gone. The first 2 weeks I was blessed to have precious mom's in my villa. I can't tell you how great it was to have Mom's (speaking of..Mom I have missed you being here!!) helping me with things. One in particular made my lunch everyday and others checked on me to make sure that I was getting rest on hard and busy days. It was refreshing to have them around me.  In one more week I will have some of my best friends here doing ministry together. Praise the Lord how God calls people to the same places to serve alongside each other!! 

This week I have been working on the Lifeway Vision Homes. Lifeway is a program focused on reaching the kids between the ages of 14 - 19.  They are brought in and live full time under our care. We currently have almost 50 kids living in homes with house parents that are a part of our Family Legacy Staff. Each child goes to school full time and are given such an opportunity they have never dreamed of. I went to visit our kids at school and I was just amazed at how much they are loving where they are. All 50 of them are matter the age! They have been given an opportunity and they have people believing in them!! There is HOPE where there was non, there is JOY where there was sadness, and there is LIFE in each and every one of them for where God has brought them!! BLESSED BE HIS NAME!! God is so good and moving in every child. He has rescued so many and there are many more to come... 

Please continue to be praying for God to bring the children to us who are in desperate need. God's heart for these children is impacting each and everyone of us! It's amazing of how great and mighty our God is!! Also, be praying for the hearts of the kids we work with. There is so much they are dealing with and the only way they will have full restoration is if they become completely transparent with themselves. I have seen these within the past few days with several kids who want to completely push away and forget their past; however, they are hindering themselves from experiencing freedom and restoration. I believe the Lord wants to free these children of so many things they are holding on to so keep praying for break through in all of their lives. In addition, pray for moments and opportunities to can sit and talk with some children who just need someone to listen. 

Thanks for all the prayers and support so far! God is moving in countless ways!

Love y'all!


Judy said...

Love you so much and are praying for you. We got webcam so we can Skype now too!! I know you're busy, so don't worry about any "expectations," I'm just letting you know. :-) That's a lot of kids in a new place of hope. I know you are soooo excited. I can't even imagine their world. I know you are JOY, Sonshine, Love and Truth to all of them.

texasknights said...

oooooooh! I so love hearing about it all!!! Yes, I am a bit jealous that we had to come home-but there is always next year. Kiss and hug a few kiddos from Auntie Cynthia!!!