Monday, March 28, 2011

14 miles

(picture above are kids with their bike in Uganda)

last friday i decided to ride my bike into town to mail a letter. i wanted to get some exercise and so i did it. i got my water, my ipod, and hopped on the bike. i knew from driving to town, it was only 10 mins. but when riding a's a whole different story.

i made it through the hilly roads, drove by the lake, through some neighborhoods, crossed traffic. and 7.5 miles later...i made it to the post office. i dropped the letter off, had a water break and then began my ride back...

as i was riding back and feeling the burn in my legs i couldn't help but think about the people in africa and even those all over the world who may only have a bike for transportation. the majority of people around the world do not have a vehicle to take them places. they have to use either buses, bikes, or even just their own feet to take them somewhere. and for a moment, i got to experience just that.

my journey round trip took me roughly 90 mins to do 14 miles. it was difficult, but i am so glad i chose to do this. it gave me a small glimpse of what so many people go through. the pain. the long travel. the contentment. the journey of it all.

i love when God uses moments like these to give me a better understanding and perspective of those living in 3rd world countries and especially those in Africa. 

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