Monday, December 20, 2010

Day 19: Healing

What healed you this year? Was it sudden, or a drip-by-drip evolution? How would you like to be healed in 2011?

I am not quite sure how to answer this but the only thing i know that continues to heal. nurture. warm. and hits deep is spending time with babies. (for this post i am referring to specifically african babies.) there is something about holding a child in your arms knowing they haven't been loved. knowing they have been neglected. abused. malnourished. and in a way forgotten. it breaks my heart hearing about these things and their story. but it also heals and renews my heart knowing that i have been given an incredible privilege to love them. and to be the hands and feet of Jesus. 

i spent 2 weeks in uganda this september. i held. feed. changed diapers. played with. and loved on precious babies. there isn't anything quite like loving a child as though they were your own. i can't wait to go do it again...

not quite sure about this prompted anyways. weird question. if i answered the prompt correctly. then great. if i didn't. oh well. at least i didn't omit it like i was thinking about doing. 

until tomorrow...



bekah brinkley said...

you mean, "at least you didn't omit it like Bekah did". ;)

Joy said...

hahaha. i wasn't referring that comment towards you.