Saturday, December 25, 2010

December 25: Photo

Sift through all the photos of you from the past year. Choose one that best captures you; either who you are, or who you strive to be. Find the shot of you that is worth a thousand words

ok i chose 2 pictures. looking back over the year at all the different pictures i have taken with so many different people & places. it became difficult to pick just one, so i chose two that would describe my year and myself as best as i think

#1 - First Baptist Church DNOW
...first of all i have lived 3 different places just in this year. i have loved the adventure of picking my stuff up and moving to another place.  on the other hand, it also becomes difficult to get settle at any level, but i feel as though this is the nomadic life i am to be on. so with that, these two beautiful women are ones i have lived with- Karen (in red) and Judy (my aunt in the navy). i actually lived with my aunt for a year and half before moving to her best friend's (karen). i feel incredibly honored to have lived life with these women. their wisdom. council. love. prayers. support. encouragement. friendship. and motherly love have impacted me in a way that no one else has. i will always treasure the days of living under each one of their roofs. having older women speak into my life by mentoring me were some of the greatest months i have ever experienced. they have taught me what it means to love well. to live life open handed. to give self-sacrificially. to reach for strength from the Lord DAILY even when they are weak. to find the joy in all things. and to be transparent with your life. they have been huge irons in my life and for that i am full of thankfulness unto the Lord!

 #2 - Picture was taken in Uganda, Africa
...this picture says it all to me. to love well. to reach out to every person. every tribe. every nation. and share with them Christ. who is our hope. our life. our joy. our salvation. HE is the one who knits us together. and if we simply put out our hand, HE will grab it. there is also beauty portrayed in this picture. beauty in the body of christ. beauty in the love that Christ brings to us. beauty in the grace He gives us. and beauty in how all are connected. 

i am looking ahead to see where God will bring me next. to see who he will introduce me to. and to know him more through it all. 



bekah brinkley said...

beautifully written Joy. and i agree: these are two pics that describe your 2010. i'm excited to see the adventures the Lord takes you on in 2011.


ps, surprise!! will you send me the original of the 2nd pic. it's wall worthy.

Judy said...

What an honor. Thank you for your precious words. They encouraged my soul. You are a gift...a total joy. It was God's gift to us for you to be with us for a season. I love you!

I agree with Bekah...I would like the digital of pic #2 so I print a copy for my wall as well. :-)