Wednesday, December 1, 2010

thanksgiving week

dad's health.

i can't believe it's been a year since my dad's emergency trip to the hospital on thanksgiving. all of us don't really remember last year because it was a blurr with being in the hospital most of the time and entertaining the 7 little kiddos. what a crazy time it was, but we are all thankful and are counting our blessings as my dad is still with us for another thanksgiving!

my health.

it was a small group this year, but yet still full of fellowship, food, and football. however, i was the one who was sick this year. i came down with a case of shingles that tuesday before turkey day. i had not idea what it actually was because i was unfamiliar with the disease and the symptoms. i had the most irritating itching on my scalp. a rash that appeared on the right side of my forehead. fever. and severe headaches. it was downright awful. it wasn't until thursday when i finally self-diagnosed myself. because at that point all the symptoms were still present, plus the rash was slowly migrating into my right eye. it felt like needles were pricking me. again, not the best feeling in the world. at this point, i was taking any medicine i could to relieve some pain.

friday morning we called my brother-in-law who is a doctor and he confirmed that i have shingles. later that day i picked up my prescription and started feeling better 24hrs later. i am so thankful for those in the medical field and their wisdom in knowing about diseases such as shingles.

i feel almost 100% back to normal. i am working on getting rest and not being stressed. apparently, that is the cause of shingles. well add that to a vulnerable immune system and you have shingles.

thank you to those who i have had talks with this past week. it is truly encouraging to my spirit. love you all!

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