Tuesday, December 28, 2010

December 28 – Achieve

What’s the thing you most want to achieve next year? How do you imagine you’ll feel when you get it? Free? Happy? Complete? Blissful? Write that feeling down. Then, brainstorm 10 things you can do, or 10 new thoughts you can think, in order to experience that feeling today.

i want to feel fully alive. i want to be all cylinders go. i want to start fulfilling the dreams that i believe God has planted inside my heart. and not just talk about it anymore. but actually take real-tangible steps. it scary to think about how that will look. but i'm ready to start stepping. i know i can't achieve any dream or desire without jesus going before me. and so only through him. by him. and for him will anything in 2011 be accomplished. there will be emotions and feelings from all sides but it's time. i am ready. my confidence is in the Lord. i have to choose to believe that whatever dream God birthed in me and has put on my heart. He is in the process of bringing it to fulfillment. 

*didn't really answer this question to what i probably should've but it's my blog. :) 

until next time, 

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