Friday, December 10, 2010

questions that pull

what is your dream? not your dream job. but what do you hope for most? 
what would be impossible by human hands, but only possible with God bringing you through? 

what is your passion? what drives you? do you wish you were doing something else instead of doing what you are doing now? why aren't you there yet? 
why aren't you living out your passion - your dream?

what would mark you with significance? 
what would make the most impact on people around you? 
and what would make the most difference in people when God calls you home? 

this past week i have either heard sermons (from louie giglio at passion city church). had conversations with dear friends over skype. and had my eyes opened a little more to the reality of it. the questions above have been ones i have just passed on by without letting them take root. maybe because it's fear. fear of the truth. fear of recognizing and acknowledging where i am. it could also be my lack of confidence in knowing what the answers are to the questions. i have easily side-stepped around the answers by the usual "i don't knows" and "i'm not sure". it's become a habit. one that i want to change. one that will take time. one that i need some accountability with. (to those who have already challenged me in this..thank you!)

answering questions like those above head-on are heavy. they certainly challenge me right where i am at this moment. and even though it may strip me of pride. of what i think i know. it's good. it's hard. it's refining. and i need that. i need refining every day. it's one action that is necessary. it must happen. our God is so gracious that He loves us enough to refine us a little each day. He wants us to want Him. and in everything i do. everyday. the purpose in that very activity is to glorify the Lord and bring honor to His name. and instead of letting the day pass by, why not stop. think about what will be the most significant thing you will do today? or what can you do in order to make it significant? 

have you thought about it? what will be your way of impacting someone?

may this spur us on even more. may this be the first step in changing our communities. our culture. our world. 

please share your thoughts. your ways of becoming countercultural. and how we together as a church body can all be significant. i am beginning this process as well. everyday i am learning more. 

dream. pursue. and be all to Him....for He is ALL to Us,

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