- I started working for Family Legacy September 1. The past few months have been filled with so many NEW things in the ministry. God is doing so much and I only have time to give you a glimpse of it. Anyways, I have had the privileged of being the coordinator for the Sponsorship Program. As Mom would put it...I just inherited 10,000 kids. :) I have been so humbled each day as I go to work and be a voice for the kids in Zambia on this side of the world. On top of that, we have launched many projects throughout the fall that I have been able to help facilitate....Thanksgiving Day Project which was organizing and processing through all the letters written from the children to their Sponsors and sending those out so that each sponsor would know how much they mean to their child. Reading through the letters made my heart so happy! These children don't have much, but they are realizing how important it is to have prayer partners on the other side of the world fighting for them through prayer. Along with that, we launch our new Community Resource Centers. We have 18 centers throughout Lusaka, Zambia that are available for children to come as a safe-haven within their harsh communities. We believe that being in the community with these children will have a greater impact in the lives of so many people! These centers have benefitted so many children so far and God continues to amaze us at how much He loves these children and desires to rescue them! Oh I just pray that more and more children will come to the Lord Jesus as their personal Savior!! Recently I have been working on our First Ever Christmas Project! We are actually going to have a Christmas Party for the child in Zambia. I can't wait!!! Organizing and getting things together for that has been quite the task, but very rewarding!! Keep praying that God will bless these precious children with His Love!! (Please check out the Family Legacy Blog for recent updates on the newest happenings of the ministry: www.legacymissions.org/blog)
- I have also continued to live with my sweet Aunt and Uncle. They have been quite the blessing! They have such big hearts and their generosity is out of this world!! I praise God daily for them and how loving they are! I have learned so much from them and they don't even know it! I can't believe that they have put up with me for almost 4 months now. I told them that it will probably be around 2 months that I would be living with them until I find somewhere else to live, but from the looks of it...I will be here for a little longer! I really do love where they live. It is so refreshing to come back to a 'Home'! I am so blessed and grateful for the family that I have had the honor of growing up with! (*Thanks Mom and Dad for raising me and instilling so many biblical principles and truths in my life! What you have done for so many years, is coming full circle.) I am praising the Lord above for providing a place for me to live during this transition in my life! I am still believing that God will provide a place for me to eventually move to when the timing is right.
- Personally I have grown so much this Fall. God has been challenging me and taking me deeper in a relationship with Him. I have had to face many things, but in the end it was there to refine and shape me to be more like Christ. My heart is at a good place and I am loving the journey that God is leading me on. I have been studying the Song of Solomon this Fall and I have loved looking at scripture more in-depth. This study has really unveiled so many things that I would not have known if I didn't go through this study. I love how God's Word is so applicable in our lives - from understanding more of who I am in Christ, to really knowing the love that God has for me, and then experiencing all of that day-to-day! I wish that I could explain all the little things that my Beloved Jesus has been teaching me. To wrap it up in a few words..I am pursuing Jesus with all that I am as He leads me through each season of my life and I am seeking to faithfully obey Him no matter where He asked me to go.
- Financial Update...As the end of the year comes I have been significantly blessed by so many of you in your financial support over the past few months! I am so thankful for all that has come in thus far. It is not too late if you are wanting to support me. All you need to do is go to my link...www.legacymissions.org/joy and then follow the instructions or you can just click the link on the top right of my blog that says Joy's Donation Page. It would be such an honor to have you come alongside me as the Lord uses you and I both to bring His word to so many children. I am still praying that God will continue to provide month to month. I know that He will give what is needed at the time. Thanks so much for all your prayers too! God is moving and it is so exciting to what is ahead! I can't express to you enough just how humbled I am to have you partner with me in this ministry the Lord has called me to be in. My prayer is that God will return the blessing!
Monday, December 29, 2008
Ministry Update!
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Tis the Season for Holiday Pictures
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Seeking Strength...
Thursday, December 11, 2008
A Video from my Kids!!
Monday, December 1, 2008
Loving the Holidays
I have so many memories of good 'ole traditions and one of those is waking up on Thanksgiving morning and watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade with the entire family. All of us girls grab our cup of coffee and sit together on the couch as we watch the long parade...so thats just what we did with kids running around us! Jamie, my second oldest sister, came up from New Braunfels and we just had so much fun!! We missed JJ this year...she was actually hosting her in-laws at her house, but we are really looking forward for Christmas so that we can ALL be together!!
We had a good group for Thanksgiving...everyone (extended family on my dad's side and few from my mom's side) came over and we ate, relaxed, ate some more, and watched football, especially the TEXAS GAME! :) That has been another tradition to watch football throughout the Thanksgiving weekend...what can I say? My Dad brought me up well... :)
(I am going to be adding some funny videos soon of my nephew playing football with my brother!!)
Well by now, I am hoping you have heard a song or 2 automatically playing on my blog. I wanted to share with y'all some of my favorite songs that have ministered to me in the past week or so. I just love how God will use music to speack to us! Take time and listen to them...all of them are really powerful! Oh...and...I have changed the title of my blog. I have noticed that a lot of things I have posted about have to do with my life, what I'm learning, and what has been happening...so I wanted to make more of a general title to share ALL aspects of my life along with my passion for Zambia!
That's it for now! I hope you had a great Thanksgiving and a good week! YAY for the holidays...go grab some coffee, sit by a fire and watch a good Christmas movie...or drive around and look at Christmas lights!! All of it is just sooo fun! I hope to be doing ALL of that very soon...
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
On the Ranch...
Monday, November 24, 2008
8 months ago...
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Weekend recap and Busy Week....
Friday, November 7, 2008
You just have to love them!!!
*This is Maggie's house - Look at that precious smile with all her teeth missing!! :)
*This is Heather and Holly with (left to right) Susan, the baby (unknown name) and Maggie sucking on ring pops!
They said that they loved these things...I mean what child would not love a ring pop??
*Here they are...all 6 kiddos...4 of them came Camp LIFE. We didn't know about the other 2 till later.
(Left to Right: little Susan, Older sister, Maggie, Junior, Joseph, Peter, and then little baby)
I just love them all!!! :)
So that's it for now...I have a crazy weekend just trying to play catch up on things that I haven't been able to do since work has been so busy. But just so you know...the Lord has been providing on the financial side of things. I am so humbled and honored to be able to do what I do. Praise the Lord for all that He is providing and what He will provide. He is doing so much in my life and I love what I have been learning lately. I am hoping to share all of that with you in a later post. Thanks for checking on how things are going in my life. I pray that you are doing well yourself! Be Blessed!
Being made more like Him,
Monday, November 3, 2008
(I met Paige and Katie-Leigh in Zambia this summer. We became so close throughout our time there.)
Once the parade ended we grabbed one last meal together and then went our separate ways. On my way out of town I stopped by one of my favorite places...'Food for Thought' and said bye to Kaitlyn then off to Starbucks for a pick-me-up drink...just when I thought my weekend couldn't not have gotten better, the Lord blow me away at what would unfold...
I am so thankful for everyone who I got to see and spend time with!! On another note, please be praying for me this week. I am working on about 4 - 5 projects at work and it's slightly overwhelming! Things are going great though...God is moving, Kids are being loved on, and souls are being saved!! Thanks again for all of your prayers! Love you all!
Loving Jesus,
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
How Beautiful is the Love of Christ...

Wednesday, October 22, 2008
The Days are flying by...
He's doing good, but just needs to put some pounds on!! :)
Okay so over the past couple of weeks I have finally adjusted my schedule and I'm finally on a good routine with work, hanging with friends, etc. One of those things has been going back to my high school (Keller) and watching Volleyball matches. I have loved it! It's hard to watch though and not want to jump on the court, but I had my time I guess.... plus, I am so out of shape anyways. Last Friday, Oct. 17, I went to a match and afterwards I was able to sit and talk with my Coaches about life. It was so great! I loved hearing how they were really doing and the ups and downs of the year. It really makes me want to coach!! :)
Another fun event that happened was the Kanakuk Reunion for Alumni the weekend of the Texas/OU game. Which by the way, those Texas Longhorns are looking good huh? :) #1...yay! Anyways, it is always refreshing to see kamp friends! This is a picture of some of the girls I got to hang out with. We went to lunch at McCalisters...

Isn't it cute?? :)
So that's it for now....I have multiple upcoming events here in the next few weeks that I will certainly give updates on!! I won't really have an open weekend until Thanksgiving though so that's a bummer but it's fun! I will take lots of pictures and try to be better about posting them.
Hope you have a great week!! By the way, some of the Family Legacy staff is over in Zambia right now and I am going to try to get them to send me a video of some kids to give you a fresh look at what's happening right now!
Be Blessed my friends!
Loving Jesus with all that I am,
Monday, October 6, 2008
News from Zambia...
Well this is very exciting news!! This morning when I got to work I received an email from Paul Mulenga (He is one of my favorite Zambians, who actually worked with me a lot when I was there). He got to know all 5 of the kids: Maggie, Peter, Susan, Joseph and Junior. Anyways, I have been talking back and forth with him on the phone on how things are going over there. He told me last week that he was going to go visit my kids in Kamanga and then let me know an update on them. Soo...email I got was all about the kids. I immediately picked up the phone and called him. It is always so refreshing to hear the voices of Zambians! He told me that all of the kids are doing well. They all thought that I was going to be with him because I always had been when I came to Kamanga but not this time. He said that they were sad, but that he told them that I had been asking about them and praying for them. Paul said Maggie is now going to school!! If you remember, Maggie was just a street kid when I first meet her. Her mother told her that she couldn't go to school because she wanted Maggie to be a street kid. So many questions are asked "WHY?" but to tell you the truth, I don't know why she would want her daughter to not be educated. However, God has really been working in the lives of Maggie and her mom. Her mother came to know Christ on the last day I was there and NOW Maggie's mom is supportive of her going to school. I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!! My little girl is not on the streets anymore, she is in school. Praise the Lord for sponsorships! I feel so privileged to be able to help her go to school and begin to get educated.
As for the other ones, Paul said that they were all doing well. Not much change in their health, but doing okay. The parents seem like they are continuing to change in a positive way. The only sad part Paul said was that Maggie and Peter's Dad has been really sick and is going to the hospital soon. He said to be praying for him and the family. Paul also told me that he was going to talk with Teddy, one of the head administrators with Family Legacy in Zambia and make sure that these kids were being discipled and taken care of. What refreshing news to hear that my kids are doing good!! God is so good and He is watching over them every moment!!
When I spoke with Paul, Holly and I asked about Emma. He said that he went to see her at the Lifeway Homes. When he got there, Emma came up to him and while giving him a big hug said, "Thank you Paul. Thank you so much for all that you have done! I am so happy and I'm so glad that I am here!" When I heard this, I almost cried. Knowing that Emma is doing so well and loving her "new home" and her "new life" humbles me so much! Praise the Lord for how He is constantly restoring her and all of the kids.
If any of you are interested in coming to Camp LIFE next summer or want to Sponsor a Child please contact me or look at the website: www.legacymissions.org
I will continue to keep you updated on new things that are happening! Also, I wanted to let you all know that the past week has been so much better on managing time at work, meeting up with friends, etc. God has been teaching me so much lately and I am so excited about this year! The Lord is already giving me glimpses of what is in store over the next few months. (Don't worry, I'll keep you updated on that as well!)
Thanks again for staying updated on my life and what God is doing!! You all are such a sweet blessing in my life!
Passionately His,
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Inexpressible & Glorious Joy
Well I have finished 4 weeks at Family Legacy and it sure has gone fast!! I have stayed busy most of the time, but I think now since we have done 2 major projects that things will settle down. In the midst of it all, I have FINALLY finished my newsletter and everything that goes along with that. My goal is to send them out Monday and Tuesday of this week. With that said, if you want a newsletter please write back on a comment or email me. I would love for you to be on my mailing list. (I will be sending a newsletter and a dvd from this summer).
My position with Family Legacy is basically bridging the gap between the kids themselves and Americans. I have had all sorts of questions and emails that I have had to tackle myself and learn alltogether. Everyday I feel so inadaquate to be where I am because I know I can't do what I'm doing with the Lord Jesus by my side. He certain has been my place of refuge as I adjust to a new life living with my aunt and uncle and working more hours than I ever have. One thing that I am trying to do, and you all can help keep me accountable, is to be on a good schedule that is balanced with work, fellowship with friends, church, etc.
One benefit at FLMI is that there is not a certain amount of hours that I have to put in each week so basically you can make your own schedule. With that said, there is so much to do be done so you have to be discipline when you are at work and then be discipline in stopping at the end of the day (which should be around 6 / 6:30pm). With there being so much to do, you tend to feel like you need to stay later, but as Greer and Holly both have said to me, "it will be here tomorrow". Haha. I am looking forward to implimenting these things starting this week. After finishing typing, printing and stuffing my newsletters, my late nights at the office are now no more!! :)
The most encouraging thing about this week was when I got to hang out with some of my dear Kanakuk Friends. Little did I know that a whole group of us all live close to each other. Wednesday night after I left work, I went to Lauren Shoush's apartment and got to see JROB and Alyshia Foster. Oh how we all brought back memories from working at kamp. What a blessing they are to me! And today, Sunday, I drove over to Fort Worth to see one of my campers, Lucy Ryan. We spent the afternoon just hanging out and catching up. I hadn't seen her since before I left for Africa. Fellowshipping with precious friends has been good for my heart! This weekend I realized how important it is to have a good balance of things in your life and to continue to invest in the lives of those you love.
As you read my blog, you probably are thinking that I need to slow down, reprioritize things, get a better schedule, not work so much, etc. As this weekend comes to an end tonight, I do want to tell you that God has been moving in me this weekend. On Saturday night, I went to the movies with my aunt, uncle, and one of their other friends from church. We went to see the movie FIREPROOF. (To give you a little history, I don't go see movies in theaters and I can't remember the last one I went to.) By the way, if you haven't see this movie, you need to! God moved in me in so many ways that I can't really explain it. But there is one thing that I can explain...one of the songs played in the movie is called "While I'm Waiting" by John Waller. If I could choose any song to describe my life right now, it is this one. Some of the lyrics are:
The title of this post is from 1 Peter 1:8-9 which says,
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Loving where I am...
Things have been a bit busy already. I am the Coordinator for the Father's Heart Sponsorship Program and I have the privlidge of communicating with those who are sponsoring children and the children themselves. I absolutely love it!! Being able to work for these children and partner with the Lord as I watch Him rescued 1 child at a time is so humbling. After working a week, it is so much more clear of why I am here and why I have been called to missions.
I'm sure you are wondering where I ended up living...well, my sweet aunt and uncle opened up their home for me to live with them until I find a more permanent place. They live in Hurst, Tx which is only about 20 minutes from my office. I am not sure how long I will be there, but I'm trusting the Lord will show me when I need to know.
I am hoping to get out my support letters next week. I have been working on them plus doing other things as well. (If you want a newsletter then contact me and I'll add you to the list.) We have had a major project that the entire Family Legacy Staff has been working on all week and weekend. We are hoping to be done tomorrow (monday). The project we are working on is to get all the 10,300 kids that we had this summer at Camp Life up online to be sponsored. If you are interested in sponsoring a child go to www.legacymissions.org and click on the Father's Heart Program and then explore to find a child to sponsor for $36 a month. If you would like more information then let me know.
I know this is short, but I wanted to let you know the updates. Please be in prayer for the support I need to raise and for future living situations. THANKS AGAIN for all of the support all of you have given me.